64 adjectives to describe nigger

I am going to have all this curling business broken up, and I am going to have her dressed in domestic, like the other little niggers.

They hallooed to the people in the house, an old woman and her daughter, whom they seemed to know, saying: "There is a runaway nigger out, who stole off a boat this evening."

Runagate niggers.

Mars Marrabo wanted ter 'cuse some er de yuther niggers er heppin' Sandy off, but dey all 'nied it ter de las'; en eve'ybody knowed Tenie sot too much sto' by Sandy fer ter

"You look like a right smart nigger," said he, "Virginia always produces good darkies."

I's gwine show dem fool niggers

He counted out the right money to my father and said, 'Henry, you better watch that little skinny-eyed nigger; he knows something.'

no tellin' w'at she mought do nex'; en dey ain' much room in dis worl' fer crazy w'ite folks, let 'lone a crazy nigger.

Dat nigger done git crowned fuh killin' fo' men!"

" "De Colonel hated de sight ob mean niggers.

Ub dar's wun ting wot de Lord abominerates worser nor anudder; it is a wicked nigger!

Did I treat you as my feelings dictated, you would understand what is meant by the weight of a father's anger; but I do not wish the world to know that my daughter has been wasting her affections upon a worthless nigger; that is all that protects you!

Yes, he would keep up his position as a Sahib haughtily and with jealousy,and he stared with terrible frown and supercilious hauteur at what he mentally termed a big, fat buck-nigger who dared and presumed to approach the carriage and look in.

No offense, sir, but he's too up and coming to be left alone with an ignorant nigger.

"Git up f'm dere, you lazy, good-fuh-nuffin' nigger!

Here are groups of 'F.F.'s' puffing their long pipes and talking the everlasting 'dn nigger'; there are crowds of 'fifteenth amendments' laughing and frolicking like children, and here, too, the flea-bitten, mosquito-stabbed, black-fly tortured Doctor B. and Professor F., looking northward as the pilgrim to his loved and far-off Mecca.

Just think of their locking the poor, faithful nigger up, beating him, kicking him, depriving him of his liberty, keeping him on bread and water for three long, lonesome weeks, and he all the time pining for the old plantation!" There were almost tears in the colonel's eyes at the picture of Grandison's sufferings that he conjured up.

De w'ite folks don' fergive nothin' de niggers does.

I wuz too 'fluential wid de niggers.

You'd have your ledgers, and your children, and your churches and Sunday schools, and freed niggers, and 'lections, and what not, and never stop to think whether the lads that sailed your ships across the world had souls, or not,and be a good sort of man too.

" What a funny nigger it was!

Ever'body say you a mighty long-haided nigger.

a contemptible black-hearted nigger.

but I niver lost one nickle, an' dem white folks says I sho' was a honest nigger.

"There was a husky nigger at the outside entrance of the passage, and he gave me the fight of my life.

64 adjectives to describe  nigger