9 adjectives to describe nominees

Adams, John Quincy, opposes European colonization; presidential nominee; president; opposed to slavery.

Alleging his advanced age and infirmities, the cautious nominee declined the honour, preferring doubtless to abide by his facile diplomatic laurels won in Cairo.

God help the man whose rights are to be maintained against the masses, when the immediate and dependent nominees of those masses are to sit in judgment!

The time for the election of the member for Kingswell had come round, and as Luxmore had failed to induce John Halifax to stand, he put up a pliable nominee.

James G. Birney, the anti-slavery nominee for the presidency of the United States, joined us in New York, and was a fellow-passenger on the Montreal for England.

On the seventeenth ballot, therefore, and the fifth day of the convention, James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, became the unanimous nominee of the Democratic party for President, and John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, for Vice-President.

Tuscarora Indians Twelfth Amendment Tyler, John vice-presidential nominee president %U% Uncle Tom's Cabin Underground Railroad Union Labor party Union Pacific Railroad United Colonies of New England United Labor party United States United States Bank see National Bank.

James G. Birney, the anti-slavery nominee for the presidency of the United States, joined us in New York, and was a fellow-passenger on the Montreal for England.

But the chance of perverting this excellent intention was too much for Germain, who succeeded in foisting one worthless nominee after another on the province just as Carleton was doing his best to heal old sores.

9 adjectives to describe  nominees