77 adjectives to describe o

Well, they meets, let's say, at a public, and one says to another, 'I say, Bill,' he says, 'that there dawg as you found 'longs to Lawyer Orkins; he's bloomin' fond o' dawgs, is Lawyer Orkins, so they say, and he can pay for it.'

"And I just ate up the last spoonful o' cream.

O'Flynn, however, urged that probably every man had a little "mite o' somethin'" that he had brought specially for himselfsomethin' his friends had given him, for instance.

"I've a good notion not to eat a mouthful o' supper," she announced.

Nobody ever got the better o' me except my wife, and that was only before we was married.

One lay awake o' nights, wondering why her hair curled so curiously about her temples, and held such queer glowing tints in its depths when sunlight fell upon it.

" GIOTTO'S O, a perfectly round O, such as Giotto is said to have sent the Pope in evidence of his ability to do some decorative work for his Holiness.

The frequent addition of the terminal o in this and the succeeding verses is merely euphonic.

" "What made you go into the chorus?" "Got tired o' life on a sheep-ranch.

The slender or narrow o, like oo; as in prove, move, who, to, do, tomb.

My husban' lay ill i' bed three year; an' he suffered to that degree that he was weary o' life long before it were o'er.


I'll help you make a fourth o' July outa the kegs.

but a 'andful o' 'elp is wuth a cartload o' pity.

I'm mighty glad I dropped into yer camp last evenin' 'stead o' slippin' away, like I fust thought o' doin'.

As, for example, a parishioner in an Ayrshire village, meeting his pastor, who had just returned after a considerable absence on account of ill health, congratulated him on his convalescence, and added, anticipatory of the pleasure he would have in hearing him again, "I'm unco yuckie to hear a blaud o' your gab."

Guess I'll gether up a' armful o' wood, an' try to act unconcernedan' laws-a-mercy me!

"O sweet, sweet, sweet, O piercing sweet, O lingering sweet the strain!

Carbuncle, he says, and a flush o' blood to the head.

I tall yo Assy's freetened o' yo.

And for the sake o' goodness gracious, where's your wheel?" "'Turn, turn, my wheel,'" quoted Kent from the Fourth Reader.

Prisoners ye've bin tried by yer feller-men, and found guilty o' murder in the first degree.

Suddenly from far in the interior of the hill there came a long, hollow boo-o-o-m!

"Others may eat pork or taste the red cup, or dally with hazards an' suffer no great harmnot I. Good youths, remember, ill luck is for him only that is ignorant, neglectful, or defiant o' private law.

No, I aint never seed one myself but" "By der goodness o'God I done lived ter waltz on der citadel green and march down a ile o' soldiers in blue, in der arms o' me husban', and over me haid de bay'nets shined.

77 adjectives to describe  o