13 adjectives to describe oatmeal

The cause of this bitterness is staleness, but it is not so noticeable in the coarse or medium oatmeal.

When they had eaten the little oatmeal that Mrs. Slessor had for breakfast, they lined up for inspection.

A few spoonfuls of cooked oatmeal or cracked wheat, added and rubbed through the colander with the other material, is valuable for the same purpose.

Mix medium oatmeal to a stiff paste with cold water.

Robinson's Groats is specially prepared oatmeal put up in tins.

The result is a coarse, pasty mass of almost raw oatmeal, an extremely indigestible compound, the use of which causes water brash.

One large onion, 1 large potato, 1 tablespoonful oatmeal, 1 tablespoonful butter.

Toast two tablespoonfuls oatmeal and one of flour to a light brown, mix with it a teaspoonful ground Jamaica pepper and smooth with a little cold water.

For a medium-sized haggis, then, toast a breakfastcupful oatmeal in front of the fire, or in the oven till brown and crisp, but not burnt.

Allow a teacupful oatmeal to each tablespoonful of fat, and stir in along with a little salt and pepper.

I eat some dry oatmeal, of which I found a barrel in the cabin.

Keen, Robinson & Co. Robinson's Barley is excellent for making barley water quickly, and the groats are very much to be preferred to the ordinary loose fine oatmeal which inevitably contains a quantity of dust, and through exposure acquires a bitter taste.

I think I'll make him into a nice bowl of lumpy spider-flavored oatmeal and have him for a snack."

13 adjectives to describe  oatmeal