326 adjectives to describe occupations

"Unless in the vulgar way of our daily occupation, none of note, illustrious Signore.

Their principal occupation was hunting, and they had a large number of buffalo hides, which, they had tanned in the Indian manner.

War, as we have seen, is with barbarous races both a necessity and a favourite occupation.

He was the son of a seafaring individual, who, by means of the portion he received by his wife, together with his own earnings, was enabled to quit that laborious occupation, and to enter into trade; and, after the death of his father-in-law, by whose will he received a handsome accession to his property, he sought, in the city of New-York, a theatre better adapted to his enlarged capital.

2. Rhetoric as Aureate Language As to the late middle ages rhetoric had come to mean to all intents nothing more than style, it is frequently personified in picturesque mediaeval allegory, never as being engaged in any useful occupation, but as adding beauty, color, or charm to life.

It is worth while also to note the prominence given to play, music, poetry and story-telling pictures, domestic occupations and gardening, all preceding the "systematic and ordered occupations" which to some have seemed so all-important.

He labored so diligently in the cultivation of his mind that he became qualified for a teacher, and has been for a long time engaged in that pleasant and profitable occupation.

It will be remembered that the first intervention was a joint occupation of Vera Cruz by French, English and Spanish; but the English and Spanish soon withdrew, and left the French to pull their own chestnut out of the fire.

Having no permanent occupation just at that time, Joe accompanied us for two or three days, when Colonel Mills suggested that I had better employ him as a scout, so that he could make a little money for himself.

Her husband, himself an enthusiast of freedom, although of the high nobility, had been killed by a fall from his horse six years before, and since that time she had retired from society and lived there quietly, making the revolutionary movement her sole occupation.

It was in vain that the fond widow urged how constant Arthur's occupations and studies were, and how many his engagements.

If you are sufficiently at leisure, oblige me with an account of your plan of life at Stowey; your literary occupations and prospects,in short, make me acquainted with every circumstance which, as relating to you, can be interesting to me.

The more elevated of the middle clases also saw an end to their exclusive occupation of magisterial and municipal employments.

" "All of which are honester and better occupations than the traffic in cities, that you have mentioned," quietly observed Mr. Effingham.

The life of most of my countrymen would be to me intolerable weariness, if only from the utter want, after wealth is attained, of all warmer and less isolated interest than some one pet scientific pursuit can afford; and yet more from the total absence of affection, family duties, and the various mental occupations which interest in others affords.

"The principal industrial occupation of the inhabitants seems at present to be begging.

"That is," said the Brahmin, "as if our landlady, by way of inducing her daughters to give up gardening for spinning, were to tell them, if they did not find their new occupation as profitable as the old, she would more than make up the difference out of her own pocket, which, though it might suit the daughters very well, would be a losing business to the family.

But we who have thirty-five million in gainful occupations are giving a paltry one million, five hundred thousand in service with our Allies.

Bred up in peaceful occupation, they probably possessed neither the activity nor the habitual exercise which was required to move with ease under the weight of armor then in use.

That is, she required very little more, a useful routine of hours and rules, a play of reflected emotion, a pleasant exercise of faculty, making her feel herself still capable of the best things in lifeof interest in her fellow-creatures, kindness to them, and a little gentle intellectual occupation, with books and men around.

I returned thither every afternoon, to indulge in my favorite occupation; and, with the precaution of a cap to keep the smoke from remaining in my hair, I contrived to deceive you.

It is a sufficient occupation for a windy morning, on the lineless, level mesa, to watch the pair of them eying each other furtively, with a tolerable assumption of unconcern, but no doubt with a certain amount of good understanding about it.

The mother, while suckling, as a general rule, should avoid all sedentary occupations, take regular exercise, keep her mind as lively and pleasingly occupied as possible, especially by music and singing.

Mac, who had had no innings up to this point, was now embarked upon a most congenial occupation.

His return, with his glowing report of the splendid country he had discovered country fitted for the immediate occupation of the grazier and the farmer at once stimulated its settlement, and as the man whose explorations were of immediate benefit to the community in general Mitchell's name stands first on the roll of explorers.

326 adjectives to describe  occupations