5 adjectives to describe opacity

Some seem to admire indiscriminately whatever has been long preserved, without considering that time has sometimes co-operated with chance; all, perhaps, are more willing to honour past than present excellence; and the mind contemplates genius through the shades of age, as the eye surveys the sun through artificial opacity.

He dived, swam about beneath, groping in the frightful opacity, but still in vain.

Nothing is so impressive in the mighty convulsion which ensued as the mental opacity of the privileged orders, which caused them to increase their pressure in proportion as resistance increased, until finally those who were destined to replace them reorganized the courts, that they might have an instrument wherewith to slaughter a whole race down to the women and children.

The open, full, primal, or long o; as in no, note, opiate, opacity, Roman.

You see my point of view?" He glanced at Lewisham, who was conscious of an unwonted opacity of mind.

5 adjectives to describe  opacity