231 adjectives to describe openings

Then, in the dark a hinge creaked faintly, a quivering hand seized Beltane's manacled wrist, drawing him on and through a narrow opening that yawned suddenly before them.

Both were black as night; but before we got so far, there was a little opening in which we could just discern the trees and the lighter line of the road.

In the centre of each was a basin of water and a fountain, above which was a square opening of some twenty feet in the roof.

It is about a foot in diameter, round and bossy in outline, with a neatly arched opening near the bottom, somewhat like an old-fashioned brick oven, or Hottentot's hut.

had been beaten in about the middle, and a considerable opening in that part exposed a mere skeleton of the king."

There is a gradual increase in the severity of the symptoms, and later fistulous openings appear in the hollow of the heel.

" Patsy nodded, and followed the housekeeper to the rose chamberthe prettiest room old Elmhurst possessed, with broad windows opening directly upon the finest part of the garden.

It grew darker: the mountains of snow glowered wan like the dead kings in Hades; the sweeps of dark forests whispered some broken mysterious word, as she passed; sometimes, in a sudden opening, she could see on a far hill-side the red fires of a camp.

The central, round opening in the iris, through which light passes into the interior of the eye.

The conversation continued to be general, to the immense delight of the hostess, for she had dreaded the ordeal of that formal opening, with its minutes of the last meeting; and she had dared even to hope that the day's paper might, by tactful management, be averted.

The little meadows form attractive grassy openings in the forest, covered in summer with a multitude of wild flowers and surrounded by the varied foliage of different trees and shrubs.

For various reasons, more or less valid, and more or less the result of influence and possible corruption, the actual opening of the country was deferred for more than twenty years after its cession to the United States Government, and in the meantime it occupied a peculiar condition.

Near the top of the wooden shutter, which Parks and I had put in place, was a small semi-circular opening, to allow the passage of a little light, perhaps, and peering through this opening were two eyestwo burning eyes....

In its center is a round opening for the admission of light.

In the mound of Koyunjik, we followed our guide through a labyrinth of narrow corridors, lighted dimly by occasional openings in the firm clay overhead.

Taking a look to the rear, through an accidental opening among the leaves, it was plain that a storm, or, as it would be called at sea, a squall, was brewing.

When the document had been thus read and afterward carefully perused by the Japanese, they said they were prepared to concur in everything except as to the immediate opening of Simoda.

Believing the feeling of confidence would be increased by such action, I was first to leave the table, and it being my watch below, immediately retired to my room, noisily closing the door after me, yet refraining from letting the latch catch, thus enjoying a slight opening through which to both see and hear.

But this was merely a conventional opening, excused by the fashion of the time; it was in no sense a necessary exposition.

In all these the absence of wire-drawing may be specially noted by the full line at the top of the diagram, showing the admission of steamthis fullness arising from the rapid and full opening of the port for admission.

She did not go on worrying her aunt to eat, but she watched for a suitable opening, for the first indication indeed, of the clearing up for which she hoped, and though it must be confessed some such thoughts as "how cross and unreasonable aunt is," did pass through her mind, she gave them no utterance.

"We have now given sufficient openings into this subject."Ib., p. 334.

The sunbeams came streaming gloriously through the jagged openings of the col, glancing on the burnished pavements and lighting the silvery lakes, while every sun-touched rock burned white on its edges like melting iron in a furnace.

The first day was merely an official opening of the Congressevery one in uniformbut only for that occasion.

He will see, as he rounds some rocky point, half a dozen of these gigantic boulders piled together, leaning against each other with great cavernous openings between, through which he can walk erect, and he involuntarily looks around him for the armor of the ancient giants who piled up these stupendous rocks and walled in the lake with these massive boulders.

231 adjectives to describe  openings