15 adjectives to describe organists

The music of this colored, or rather "amalgamated" choir, directed by a colored chorister, and accompanied by a colored organist, was in good taste.

Guilmant, the celebrated French organist, gave a recital at The Temple while in this country.

moaned the distracted organist, fairly kissing the dear remains, and restored to perfect speech and comprehension by the awful shock.

In the same year he made a sensation by his playing in Hamburg, winning the high praise of the eminent organist Reinken (whom by the way Mattheson accused of being "a constant admirer of the fair sex, and much addicted to the wine-cellar of the Council").

"As honorary organist at Wesleyan Church he has established a sound and compact business as wholesale grocer and Italian warehouseman.

Neefe was, if not a man of genius, of very respectable talents, a learned and accomplished organist and composer, as a violinist respectable, even in a corps which included Reicha, Romberg, Ries.

"And you, Uncle JACKlook at this!" exclaims Mr. E. DROOD, bringing from behind his back and presenting to the melancholy organist a thing that looks, at first glance, like an incredibly slim little black girl, headless, with no waist at all, and balanced on one leg.

English), which she had earned by her sewing, she went with this little suma perfect fortune for a poor peasant-girlto a pious organist of Coesfeld, whose daughter she had known when she first lived in the town.

Unconscious that, through the door ajar at his back, a pair of vigilant human orbs were upon him, the ritualistic organist, who was in very low spirits, drew an emaciated and rather unsteady hand repeatedly across his perspiring brow, and talked in deep bass to himself.

On the anniversaries of the birthdays of the two sovereigns, and upon New Year's day, the Laureate was expected to have ready congratulatory odes befitting the occasion, set to music by the royal organist, and sung after service in the Chapel Royal of St. James.

A larger instrument was necessary, and Herschel wrote to London for it; but the price demanded proved far beyond the resources of the sanguine organist.

cries the unhappy organist, starting to his feet with a wild reel.

"By!" whispered the alarmed organist, not stopping to say by what, but leaping like an acrobat back to his seat.

From Mr. Simms, the veteran organist of St. Michaels, Coventry, she received lessons in music, although it was her own fine musical sense which made her in after years an admirable pianoforte player.

He has been to the musical life of the church what Mr. Conwell has been to its spiritual growth, and next to their pastor himself, it is doubtful if any man is so endeared to the Grace Church membership as is Professor Wood, their blind organist.

15 adjectives to describe  organists