6 adjectives to describe palfrey

So with a little company of men, mounted on swift palfreys, and most privy to his mind, he arrived at Salerno.

This was more than his Lordship could stand, and he broke forth in a mirthful laugh, "Thou shalt have the most buoyant palfrey can be found; he shall have a wicked black eye, andan honest heart for his mistress."

See, as I live 'tis the nuns they make for!" Nothing saying, Sir Benedict spurred forward beside his hard-pressed company; in the midst of the column was dire tumult and shouting, where, from the dense woods upon their left a body of knights sheathed in steel from head to foot were cutting their way toward the lady Abbess, who, conspicuous in her white habit, was soothing her frightened palfrey.

And as she sighed, she sang aloud a melancholy strain; "And who would wish to die," she said, "though death be free from pain?" She rode a nimble palfrey and scarce could great Gazul Excel the ardent spirit with which her heart was full.

At length, in close breast shutting up her pain, Arose the virgin born of heavenly brood, And on her snowy palfrey rode again To seek and find her knight, if him she might attain.

The lord-lieutenant of the country alone, who was of ducal rank, pretended to the magnificence of a wheel-carriage, but near it might be seen the erect form of Lady Margaret Bellenden on her sober palfrey, and her granddaughter; the fair-haired Edith appeared beside her aged relative like Spring, close to Winter.

6 adjectives to describe  palfrey