69 adjectives to describe pallor

He fell back, and the frightened dame hurried to him as she saw his changed look and deadly pallor.

She endeavoured to appear surprised, but her sudden pallor betrayed her inward anxiety at the question.

She lay outstretched upon a bed of fern, and looked as one that sleeps save for the deathly pallor of her cheek and still and pulseless bosom: and she was young, and of a wondrous, gentle beauty.

In all three we find the same ghastly pallor, the same sleeplessness which compelled them to rise, and pace their rooms at night, the same incessant suspicion; the same inordinate thirst for cruelty and torture.

Gradually Sinclair understood the meaning of that glance and the gesture of the sheriff, as the latter left; he read other things in the gray pallor of Arizona, and in the fallen head.

The grayish pallor of the man, indeed, was startling, so that Lanyard for some time sought an adjective to suit it, and was content only when he hit on the word evil.

And watching her closely, Victor permitted himself a smile of satisfaction as he noted the rapidity with which she yielded to the hypnogenic spell of the translucent quartz; how her breathing quickened, then took on a measured tempo like that of a sleeper; how a faint flush warmed the unnatural pallor of her cheeks, how her dilate eyes grew fixed in an unwinking stare, and slightly glassed....

She had eaten heartily, but all the color had left her face, which had assumed a waxy pallor under her heavy hair, which was still damp.

Worst of all, the greenish pallor in the eastern sky had imperceptibly turned brighter; and now the ribbed edge of a roof, across the way, began to glow like incandescent silver.

His sickly pallor had gone, and the blue marks under his eyesthe eyes were fuller, deeper, more brilliant.

Frequently there is severe pain in the heart, often dizziness with gasping breath, extreme pallor, and fainting.

To the sailor she seemed to have another face, of an ashy pallor, with furrowed brows, eyes filled with angry tears, and a light foam in the corners of her mouth.

Nina, knew, of course, what the effect of her announcement would be upon Vera, but she had not expected the sudden thin pallor which stole like a film over her sister's face, the withdrawal, the silence.

Bedient wished he could paint the russet-gold hair and the lustrous pallor of ivory which shone from Beth's skin, and put upon the canvas at the last, what had been a revelation to him, and which had carried credentials to the Bedient throne, to the very crown-cabinet of his empire, the fine and enduring spirit in her brilliant eyes.

And all the time, she fancied that his features became by degrees less mobile, and that the transparent pallor so long familiar to her was turning to another hue, grey and stony, which she had never seen.

Of a dusky pallor was Miss Lansdale when I first beheld her under the night of her hair.

His handsome face burned darker, then faded with a mortal pallor, and for one rigid moment, took on such a strange beauty as though it were about to be translated into bronze.

His hair was grey, his hands trembled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face had the unhealthy pallor which accompanies intense nervous pressure and excitement.

His shoulders, too, seemed to have broadened, and his face had lost its cadaverous pallor.

It was the look in his companion's face, the yellow pallor of feara horrorthat had taken possession of it.

And then she felt sharply sorry she had said as much or as little as she had said, for her host's face altered; it became, from a healthy pallor, a deep red.

surely you will not have him collared by a constable, and commit his innocent pallor to the common jail?

To utter them correctly will mean to transfer to us the qualities of Gods, whereas to utter falsely may mean to release upon the surface of the world forces that" He shrugged his great shoulders and an ashen pallor spread downwards over the face to the very lips.

The leaden gray framed by the doorway began to glimmer with a silvery pallor.

The sun had given them a dull pallor, and on the West African coast nobody sleeps much.

69 adjectives to describe  pallor