5 adjectives to describe papilla

These are so called because they consist of a fungiform papilla surrounded by a fold of mucous membrane, presenting the appearance of being walled around.

Below A is seen a small conical elevation, with black dots (the lacrymal papilla or caruncle).

A, epiglottis; B, glands at the base of tongue; C, tonsil; D, median circumvallate papilla, E, circumvallate papillæ; F, filiform papillæ; H, furrows on border of the tongue; K, fungiform papillæ.

And the same character makes it a capital coating for pills; for the resinous powder prevents the drug from being wetted by the saliva, and thus bars the nauseous flavour from the sensitive papilla; of the tongue.

Here it becomes enlarged into a knob-like formation composed of soft, growing cells, which knob-like formation fits over a vascular papilla projecting up in the bottom of the follicle.

5 adjectives to describe  papilla