40 adjectives to describe parentage

Adult adjustment of foster children of alcoholic and psychotic parentage and the influence of the foster home.

Her mother,Susanne Curchod,of humble Swiss parentage, was yet one of the remarkable women of the day, a lady whom Gibbon would have married had English prejudices and conventionalities permitted, but whose marriage with Necker was both fortunate and happy.

So he told her that the people were greatly displeased with her by reason of her mean parentage, and murmured because she had given birth to a daughter.

Strictly speaking, the term implies birth in this country, but foreign parentage or ancestry.

You need not track every word in the dictionary to the den of its remote parentage.

'Sensational Arrest.' "What had happened was simply this: "At the inquest a few certainly very curious facts connected with Mrs. Owen's life had come to light, and this had led to the apprehension of a young man of very respectable parentage on a charge of being concerned in the tragic death of the unfortunate caretaker.

His heroine, the captivating Shiela Cardross, of unknown parentage, yet reared in luxury, suddenly finds herself on life's firing line, battling with one of the most portentous problems a young girl ever had to face.

His real name was Patrick Cotter; he was of obscure parentage, and originally laboured as a brick-layer; but his uncommon size rendered him a mark for the avarice of a showman, who, for the payment of £50.

Not a word had ever been said to the child in regard to her mysterious parentage.

Did one of these violate her vow of chastity, she and her fellow criminal were at once put to death; but did she claim that the child she bore was of divine parentage, and the contrary could not be shown, then she was feted as a queen, and the product of her womb was classed among princes, as a son of the sun.

It showed the unknown mother, who had discovered that by her own act she had condemned her innocent son to suffer for the sins of past generations of royal profligates, journeying to Paris (in my dreams she always wore sabots and walked the entire distance in a state of extreme physical exhaustion) with the intention of preventing his execution by declaring his lowly parentage to the mob.

Mrs. Croly said: "Those who have worked among the poor in large cities are aware of the value of orderly and systematic industrial training for girls of irresponsible parentage, between the years of twelve and eighteen.

Howsoever, quod iterum maneo, I would advise thee thus much, be she fair or foul, to choose a wife out of a good kindred, parentage, well brought up, in an honest place.

Under these circumstances there can, I think, be little doubt as to the literary parentage of Spenser's accentual measure.[102] Like the archaic dialect, this homely measure tends to bring Spenser's shepherds closer to their actual English brethren.

She brings it into the world, suckles it, and watches over it; in the primitive times, even if promiscuity was not prevalent, marriages were of short duration and divorces frequent, wherefore the male parentage would be so constantly in doubt that the only feasible thing was to name the children after their mothers.

That is the great solving and upraising word; not limited to mere parentage, but the law of woman-life.

The second cycle of legends disclaimed any miraculous parentage for the hero of Tollan.

The adage, "God sends meat, and the devil sends cooks," must surely be of native parentage, for of no country is it so true as of our own.

Such precocious parentage must be discouraged.

For it chanced, as it will chance to the end of time, that the doctor was out when the butler telephoned to him; it happened, too, that he was far from home, engaged in ushering a young gentleman of prosperous parentage into this world, an action of which the kindness might be questioned, considering that the poor little soul presumably came straight from paradise, with an indifferent chance of ever getting there again.

In the vulgar opinion, if a man be wealthy, no matter how he gets it, of what parentage, how qualified, how virtuously endowed, or villainously inclined; let him be a bawd, a gripe, an usurer, a villain, a pagan, a barbarian, a wretch,

Among these is one of René, the minstrel monarch of Provence, and father of Margaret; and a beautiful autumnal picture of Provence:] Born of royal parentage, and with high pretensions, René had at no period of his life been able to match his fortunes to his claims.

Theodore Tilton has thus described the place where I was born: "Birthplace is secondary parentage, and transmits character.

Cimber, to judge from Cicero's invective, was suspected of having risen from servile parentage, and of trying, as freedmen then frequently did, to pass as a descendant of some unfortunate barbarian prince.

Curran was also of undistinguished parentage.

40 adjectives to describe  parentage