39 adjectives to describe patriarch

What too was the testimony given to the faithfulness of this eminent patriarch.

"What's the lady in the pink shroud supposed to be saying to the bearded patriarch in the nightie?

If among the figments of his brain, he could fashion slaves, and make them something else than property, he knew full well that a very different pattern was in use among the southern patriarchs.

The aged patriarch at last seized the arm of General Goffe and asked: "Whom have we here?" The general, in the joy of meeting his daughter from whom he had been separated, had forgotten Robert.

Full-grown specimens are commonly about 220 feet high, and from six to eight feet in diameter near the ground, though some grand old patriarch is occasionally met that has enjoyed five or six centuries of storms, and attained a thickness of ten or even twelve feet, living on undecayed, sweet and fresh in every fiber.

Some venerable patriarch may often be seen, heavily storm-marked, towering in severe majesty above the rising generation, with a protecting grove of saplings pressing close around his feet, each dressed with such loving care that not a leaf seems wanting.

The latter is a two-story, redstone, thatched house, looking old, but by no means venerable, like a drunken patriarch.

Across a court the padre hailed him,a tall, ungainly patriarch under an enormous mushroom helmet of solar pith,and walking along beside, listened shrewdly to his narrative.

The Sunday called Quinquagesima is read in the church the history of the holy patriarch Abraham which was the son of Terah.

Thus of old did the contending wives of the honest patriarchs; each recommending her handmaid to her lord, as she thought it would oblige him, and looking upon the genial product as her own.

"Sir," said the indignant patriarch, "I never take the filthy stuff!

The timid, infirm, life-loving old patriarch of science falls.

All those whom we have been accustomed to revere as intellectual patriarchs, seemed children when compared with her; for Burke had sate up all night to read her writings, and Johnson had pronounced her superior to Fielding, when Rogers was still a schoolboy, and Southey still in petticoats.

He might have been a metropolitan patriarch or pope; but he was contented with being bishop of a little Numidian town.

Therefore he confirmed the pre-existing Oecumenical patriarch in his functions and the Byzantine Greeks in their privileges, renewed the rights secured to Christian foreigners by the Greek emperors, and proclaimed that, for his accession to the throne, there should not be made a Moslem the more or a Christian the less.

Lower down on the right of the throne are eighteen, and on the left twenty-two, of the principal patriarchs, apostles, saints, and martyrs, among whom the worthies of Angelico's own community, St. Dominick and St. Peter Martyr, are of course conspicuous.

It is Methuselah; and, in Browne's scheme, the remote, almost infinite, and almost ridiculous patriarch iswho can doubt?the only possible centre and symbol of all the rest.

In the year 857 the wicked Bardas, uncle to the reigning Emperor, who wielded an almost absolute power and disregarded all laws, human and divine, unjustly banished from his See, Ignatius, the rightful patriarch of Constantinople, and placed in his stead the learned, but worthless, Photius.

Already in the papacy of Nicholas I a rupture had occurred in connection with the dispute between the rival patriarchs of Constantinople, Ignatius and Photius.

In five minutes, with the assistance of a little vodka, he would break down the ceremonious reserve of the severest old patriarch in the whole Greek Church, and completely carry him by storm; while I could only sit by and smile feebly, without being able to say a word.

The monks, the nuns, and the populace publicly proclaimed their detestation of the union; and their opposition was inflamed by the bigotry of an ambitious pedant, who, under the name of Georgius Scholarius, acted as a warm partisan of the union at the Council of Florence, and under the ecclesiastical name of Gennadius is known in history as the subservient patriarch of Sultan Mahomet II.

Every Romaios owed ecclesiastical allegiance, through a hierarchy of bishops and metropolitans, to a supreme patriarch at Constantinople, and in the ninth century this administrative segregation of the imperial from the west-European Church had borne its inevitable fruit in a dogmatic divergence, and ripened into a schism between the Orthodox Christianity of the east on the one hand and the Catholicism of the Latin world on the other.

The timid, infirm, life-loving old patriarch of science falls.

Across a court the padre hailed him,a tall, ungainly patriarch under an enormous mushroom helmet of solar pith,and walking along beside, listened shrewdly to his narrative.

But though Mr. Wedgwood lets off this coughing, hawking, spitting, and otherwise unpleasant old patriarch Rac so easily in the case of the foundling Crag, he has by no means done with him.

39 adjectives to describe  patriarch