45 adjectives to describe penance

She had been trying to propitiate Him, as a Being of awful majesty and purity, by good works, strict conduct, severe penances.

"And after Vrihadaswa had gone away, Yudhishthira of firm vows heard from Brahmanas and ascetics that came to him from various directions and from places of pilgrimage and mountains and forests that Arjuna of high intelligence and capable of drawing the bow with his left hand, was still engaged in the austerest of ascetic penances, living upon air alone.

Yet when he came again, and I bethought What bitter penance I had put them to For my conceiv'd displeasure 'gainst old Bruce, I bad the villain post and bear them meat: Which he excus'd, protesting pity mov'd him To leave wine, bread, and other powder'd meat, More than they twain could in a fortnight eat.

And, O chief of kings, that same ruler of men, betook himself to the mountain Kailasa, accompanied by both his wives, and with the desire of having a son became engaged in the practice of exceeding austere penances.

He offends not the statute against the excess of apparel, for he will go naked, and counts it a voluntary penance.

Imprudent though I had been, could I voluntarily subject myself to an eternal penance, and estrangement from human society?

In these serious walks probably he was divesting himself of many scenic and some real vanitiesweaning himself from the frivolities of the lesser and the greater theatredoing gentle penance for a life of no very reprehensible fooleries,taking off by degrees the buffoon mask which he might feel he had worn too longand rehearsing for a more solemn cast of part.

Then, pointing to the banners borne on high, Where the sad story of her nightly penance Was all too truly painted'Look!'

Instances of extraordinary penance abound, beside which the austerities of Simon Stylites almost pale.

V. perform service [ritual actions of clergy], do duty, minister, officiate, baptize, dip, sprinkle; anoint, confirm, lay hands on; give the sacrament, administer the sacrament; administer extreme unction; hear confession, administer holy penance, shrive; excommunicate, ban with bell book and candle.

A light penance for the dark infamies of his life in India, I think.

To thy palate say: It is necessary that we do a little penance.

Thus Aristotle's Soul of old that was, May now be damn'd to animate an Ass; Or in this very House, for ought we know, Is doing painful Penance in some Beau.

It is not the murderous blow, but the depraved will; not the pale victim, but the shocked conscience; not the muttered prayer, the frantic penance, the suicide, but remorse working itself out, that hold our attention.

" "But the correction will be a severe one; you must prepare for a very grievous penance.

Madame, since her departure I have done More hartie penance then her hart could wish, And vowe hereafter to live ever hers.

He gave a hurried glance round the circleupon Enrica kneeling at the altar; with the air of a man who forces himself to do a hateful penance, he broke silence.

And of everyche of theise synnes, it behovethe hem to ben schryven of hire prestes, and to paye gret somme of silver for hire penance.

[Sidenote: But the ancient Mariner assureth him of his bodily life, and proceedeth to relate his horrible penance.] Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on the wide, wide sea!

it is not compatible with a Church national, the congregations of which are therefore not gathered nor elected, or with a Church established by law; for law and discipline are mutually destructive of each other, being the same as involuntary and voluntary penance.

One turns with disgust from the narration of her lauded penances.

The praises of an inviolable chastity had been carried to the highest extravagance by some of the first preachers of Christianity among the Saxons: the pleasures of love had been represented as incompatible with Christian perfection; and a total abstinence from all commerce with the sex was deemed such a meritorious penance, as was sufficient to atone for the greatest enormities.

I go to join the Lion-Heart at Acre, And there, after due homage to my liege, And after patient penance of the church, And after final devoir in the fight, If that my God be gracious, I shall die.

They would have made life a burden to a vigorous English schoolmistress, and imperilled the soul of any Lady-Abbess whose list of permissible penances excluded the dark cell and the scourge.

At least equally fine and stirring is St. Brendan's interview with the exiled spirit of Heaven, whose "sin was but little", so that he and his fellows were given only the pleasing penance of singing delightfully, in the guise of beautiful birds, the praises of the God who showed them mercy and grace, amid the charms of an earthly paradise.

45 adjectives to describe  penance