11 adjectives to describe penmanship

In our zeal for reforming the irregular orthography and housewifely penmanship of the last century, we are all become readers, and authors, and critics.

Not only the strength but the fine delicacy of muscular action is lost, the power of nice control of the hand and fingers, as in neat penmanship, or the use of musical instruments.

They were in girlish penmanship and bore no signature, but stung him to the quick.

His eye was averted and fastened downward upon his manuscript, and his discourse, or exercitation, or whatever it might be, was delivered in a monotonous, regular cadence, probably relieved from time to time by some quaint blunder, the result of indistinct penmanship, or dim religious light.

It is a shock to my nerves every time I receive a letter in Mary's masculine hand, instead of in your lovely Italian penmanship.

Amid copied forms of exchange, bonds, receipts, sales, and similar exercises, occasionally, in ornate penmanship, there are poetic selections, among them lines of a religious tone on "True Happiness."

Even when they have written the letter they get the daughter to address the envelope, lest the Post Office should smile at their rude penmanship.

" Prudence stepped to his desk and examined the sheets of upright penmanship; it could be read as easily as print.

Dexterous penmanship is a source of the same sort of pride as that which animates the skillful rifleman, the practiced duellist, or well-trained billiard-player.

2. Vertical penmanship should be taught in all elementary schools.

It was impossible for her eyes to resist the drawing power of that now familiar penmanship.

11 adjectives to describe  penmanship