302 adjectives to describe personalities

Eric Hatch (A); 21Apr70; R483546. HATHAWAY, STARKE R. The Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, by Starke R. Hathaway & J. Charnley McKinley.

It is impossible for me, by mere words, to convey any adequate idea of his vivid personality; but I confess that, from the first moment, I was both impressed and charmed by him.

He is the finest example that I have ever met of the dual personality.

"I paid a tribute to my friend, who was the dominant personality among the enemy.

One young Italian, in particular, I remember with some affection, a certain Lieutenant Prato, a mandolin player of great skill and a very charming personality.

And I am convinced that by intercepting one of these currents it is possible to connect the subconscious personalities of two people of opposite sex who, although ultimately destined for one another since the beginning of things, have, through successive incarnations, hitherto missed the final consummation marriage!which was the purpose of their creation.

If, therefore, one of the most eminent of recent scientific botanists confessed his inability to explain this strange peculiarity, we may excuse the savage if he regard it as another proof of a distinct personality in plant life.

Doubtless she never suspected how many students endured the mathematical work of junior Astronomy in order to be within range of her magnetic personality."

The neurotic personality of our time.

He was a striking personality, quite the Slav type.

Orloff, Prince, Russian ambassador; attractive personality of; at Prince Hohenlohe's reception to President Grevy.

But I do not give anecdotes of such savage successes as evidence to facts; they are only illustrations, and evidence to beliefs and methods (as of crystal gazing and automatic utterances of "secondary personality"), which, among the savages, correspond to the supposed facts examined by Psychical Research among the civilised.

The hysterical mind is one in which large tracts of consciousness seem to get detached from the main body, and to take the control of the subject for the time being, giving rise to the phenomena rather foolishly called double or multiple "personality."

THE ADRENAL PERSONALITIES An adrenal personality is one dominated by the ups and downs of his adrenal gland.

HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS, INC. Balanced personality.

In the previous chapter we have already pointed out how the animistic theory which invested the tree and grove with a conscious personality accounts for much of the worship and homage originally ascribed to themidentified, too, as they were later on, with the habitations of certain spirits.

Truly a unique personality, at one and the same time the glorious creation and the splendid epitome of the spirit of the Renaissance!

Mrs. Travers is a forceful personality.

In his jaunty forage cap and scarlet jacket he was one to catch and hold the eye by reason of his engaging personality.

His was a fascinating personality, at any rate so far as women were concerned.

It displeased William to see her show such regard for any one of so little importancethe personality of the boy did not enter into the matter.

If we concentrate our mind upon the diseased condition of the patient we are thinking of him as a separate personality, and are not fixing our mind upon that conception of him as pure spirit which will afford us effectual entry to his springs of being.

Here religion and morality come very closely together: the recognition of a definite personality behind all circumstances of life, to whom our conduct matters, gives a soul to morality.

Few English writers have received from a great rival author such convincing testimony in regard to lovable personality.

The aim of the story is to picture the life of a Grizzly with the added glamour of a remarkable Bear personality.

302 adjectives to describe  personalities