10 adjectives to describe perspicacity

But all at once he saw with awful perspicacity the moral crisis through which he had been living.

They allow us, on the one hand, to trace through all its developments the progress of an extraordinary passion, and on the other to examine, as it were under the microscope of perhaps the bitterest perspicacity on record, the last phase of a doomed society.

It is unexampled, I think, that calm creative perspicacity of Shakespeare.

The various degrees of critical perspicacity 177.

I suppose Aniela had not been taken into confidence, but thanks to female perspicacity could not help guessing how matters stood.

Gifted with rare perspicacity, moderation, and keen judgment, he maintained his attitude of impartial observation.

While the writer didn't precisely say that he counted on Kate to supply the woof of the fabric of life, that expectation made itself evident between the lines to Mrs. Barrington's sentimental perspicacity.

Nevertheless, to Father Pedro even the infrequent contact with the Americanos was objectionable: they were at once inquisitive and careless; they asked questions with the sharp perspicacity of controversy; they received his grave replies with the frank indifference of utter worldliness.

Thus, despite the awkwardness of his structure, he dissected with a singular perspicacity, the Avare, "the ordinary man," and "the passion of unhappiness," revealing meanwhile interesting comparisons which could be constructed between the operations of photography and of memory.

In the first place, I do not need your confidence, because in our camp we have sufficient perspicacity.

10 adjectives to describe  perspicacity