24 adjectives to describe physic

In pure physics the earth can only be regarded as a chain of four globes consubstantial and in coadunitionfour in and three out.

[4104]"Whosoever takes much physic in his youth, shall soon bewail it in his old age:" purgative physic especially, which doth much debilitate nature.

One of the victims went so far as to propose that this self-appointed censor of public characters should be fought with his own weapons, and have a taste of his own nasty physic.

One helps the vices and passions of the soul, anger, lust, desperation, pride, presumption, &c. by applying that spiritual physic; as the other uses proper remedies in bodily diseases.

Theoretical physics.

Laboratory manual physics.

Introduction to atomic physics.

On the contrary, we live in the hope and in the faith that, by the advance of molecular physics, we shall by and by be able to see our way as clearly from the constituents of water to the properties of water, as we are now able to deduce the operations of a watch from the form of its parts and the manner in which they are put together.

The odour of the abominable physic was upon the air.

Ferdinand and Alphonsus, kings of Arragon and Sicily, were both cured by reading the history, one of Curtius, the other of Livy, when no prescribed physic would take place.

He is also in this respect profitable physic, that his conversation being once truly tasted and discovered, the hateful foulness of it will make those that are not fully like him to purge all such diseases as are rank in him out of their own lives, as the sight of some citizens on horseback make a judicious man amend his own faults in horsemanship.

But for the most part they must concur; and they take a wrong course that think to overcome this feral passion by sole physic; and they are as much out, that think to work this effect by good service alone, though both be forcible in themselves, yet vis unita fortior, "they must go hand in hand to this disease:"alterius sic altera poscit opem.

And last and worst, thou foundest out cookery, that kills more than weapons, guns, wars, or poisons, and would destroy all, but that thou invented'st physic, that helps to make away some. HEU.

It begins in the realm of ultimate physics and metaphysics, in the two facts that we cannot imagine a space that is infinite, and that we cannot imagine a space that is finite.

Each and every prakritic atom is the joint result of spirit and matter united and working togetherof physics and metaphysics; and in its last analysis pure spirit; pure metaphysics.

"No better physic" (saith [4310]Rhasis) "for a melancholy man: and he that can keep company, and carouse, needs no other medicines," 'tis enough.

Already there are signs that even celestial physics and mathematics will refuse to endorse as final so revolting a scheme of material evolution and devolution, ending only in universal death.

They are so different in their consultations, prescriptions, mistaking many times the parties' constitution, [4090]disease, and causes of it, they give quite contrary physic;

The first part of him that is set a running is his eye-sight; when that is once struck with terror all the costive physic in the world cannot stay him.

But the patient may haply exclaim, "Don't be rash, Lest your new-fangled physic should settle my hash!" * *

This fantastic physic of Paracelsus found many adherents both in theory and in practice.

As these turpentine spirits did not inebriate him, but only inflamed his intestines, he well remembered the burning quality of my favorite physic, and cautioned the rest from ever teasing me for any physic I had concealed in any sort of bottles for my own use; otherwise they might be sure it would spoil them like the eating of fire.

I will not take upon me to decide the controversy myself, Johannes Hossurtus, Thomas Boderius, and Maginus in the preface to his mathematical physic, shall determine for me.

Another caution is, that they proceed upon good grounds, if so be there be need of physic, and not mistake the disease; they are often deceived by the similitude of symptoms, saith Heurnius, and I could give instance in many consultations, wherein they have prescribed opposite physic.

24 adjectives to describe  physic