6 adjectives to describe physiognomist

" Jane looked gravefor trifling on love was heresy, in her estimation; but Emily laughed, with an expression in which a skilful physiognomist might have readif he means me, he is mistaken.

Lord Alphingham looked after him, and then turned his glance on Caroline, and an acute physiognomist might easily have read

They were taught the tricks of the priestly wizard's trade, and became expert physiognomists, ventriloquists, and possibly, in some cases, hypnotists.

A criterion of the face is indispensable to the intelligent physiognomist, and as the lips and nose have much to do with the expression of the face, we offer an unerring diagnosis in the three following charts: Criterion of the Profile of the Lips.

Pickpockets and beggars are the best practical physiognomists, without having read a line of Lavater, who, it is notorious, mistook a highwayman for a philosopher, and a philosopher for a highwayman.

He was a most rare physiognomist.

6 adjectives to describe  physiognomist