14 adjectives to describe physiologist

"I never smoke because I have seen the most efficient proofs of the injurious effects of tobacco on the nervous system."Dr. Brown-Sequard, the eminent French physiologist.

Johann Müller, the most celebrated physiologist of his day and contemporary of Henle, wrote in 1844 and coolly stated, "The ductless glands are alike in one particularthey either produce a different change in the blood which circulates through them or the lymph which they elaborate plays a special rôle in the formation of blood or of chyle."

THE ATTITUDE OF THE LABORATORY A certain number of so-called experimental physiologists, that is, the physiologists of the animal laboratory, who will have nothing but syllogistic deductions and quantitative determinations based upon animal experiments as the data of their science, will be apt to look askance upon the preceding paragraphs, and those which will follow.

The ablest physiologists of our day do not, as formerly, regard the process as a so-called vital, but a purely chemical one.

A thorough dissection of the relation and attitude toward psychic material of the consistent physiologist, who refuses to deal in contradictory terms, would lead us a little too far.

You know the experiment that a contemporary physiologist tried with a series of portraits to determine in what the indefinable resemblances called family likeness consisted?

" There may have been many other such noses that have escaped observation,"born to blush unseen:" enough, however, I have here stated of those my recollection furnishes me with at the moment, to establish the fact of variety, and to lead curious physiologists to a scientific classification of this prominent and well-deserving feature of the human face.

In 1833, Dr. Voisin, a distinguished French physiologist and phrenologist, attempted the organization of a school for idiots in Paris.

He has what a phrenological physiologist would call a vitally sanguine constitutionhas a good deal of temper, excitability, and determination in his character.

The child would have died, no doubt, and, if properly managed, might have added another to the long catalogue of wasting children who have been as cruelly played upon by spiritual physiologists, often with the best intentions, as ever the subject of a rare disease by the curious students of science.

I did not, however, feel competent to argue the question with one who had evidently studied physiology much more deeply than myself; and had mastered the records of an experience infinitely longer, guided by knowledge far more accurate, than is possessed by the most accomplished of Terrestrial physiologists.

An ascetic spirit is abroad; our amateur physiologists look rather to a mortification than an honest building-up of the flesh.

If the study of man is his object, he is called an anatomist, or a physiologist, or an ethnologist; but if he dissects animals, or examines into the mode in which their functions are performed, he is a comparative anatomist or comparative physiologist.

If the study of man is his object, he is called an anatomist, or a physiologist, or an ethnologist; but if he dissects animals, or examines into the mode in which their functions are performed, he is a comparative anatomist or comparative physiologist.

14 adjectives to describe  physiologist