36 adjectives to describe physiques

The generous reserve of strength in his magnificent physique was quick to announce itself.

It took in Dorn's characteristic Teutonic blond features, and likewise an officer's swift appreciation of an extraordinarily splendid physique.

A magnificent person, a sound physique, inherited wealth, high social position, official dignity, with eighty-three years of earthly existence, compose the framework of this illustrious life.

WHEWELL was a man of robust physique and hearty appetite, and I noted that he ate no fewer than thirteen, considerably more than half the total.

FULLAH, a people of the Upper Soudan whose territory extends between Senegal and Darfur, a race of superior physique and intelligence, and of a certain polish of manners, and with Caucasian type of feature.

The nose was not too highly arched any more than it was pinched and meagerindeed, a triumph in noses, since not too strong, nor yet indicating a physique weak and ill nourished.

According to the poem, the scene of this tense encounter is not a palace terrace but the forestthe Garhwal artist deeming a courtly setting more appropriate for Radha's exquisite physique.

Vile fancies and sensual appetites grow stronger and more terrible when a feeble physique and low vitality offer no opposing force.

[Illustration] PLATE 11 The Stealing of the Clothes Illustration to the Bhagavata Purana Kangra, Punjab Hills, c. 1790 J.K. Mody collection, Bombay Despite the Indian delight in sensuous charm, the nude was only rarely depicted in Indian paintingfeelings of reverence and delicacy forbidding too unabashed a portrayal of the feminine physique.

Desisting from her enchantments, she came and went through the salon, sure of her beauty, proud of her firm and superb physique, which had not yielded in the slightest degree to the passing of the years.

She could not have been more than twenty-six or -seven, but I got an unmistakable impression of weariness or balked purpose emanating from her in spite of her youth and glorious physique.

The hardy physique and stern nature of the Romans, exercised and controlled by their organizing genius, evolved the Roman legion, which learned to resist the impetuous assaults of the elephants of the East, the phalanx of the Greeks, and the Teutonic barbarians.

Better that our youth should have a healthy physique, even if they cannot read before they are ten years old, as in this case they would soon overtake and outstrip the pale, narrow-chested child who is the wonder of the nursery and the Sunday-school.

It belonged to poor Dick Barnard, an old St. Margaret's man of irrepressible spirits and indifferent physique, who had started only the day before for a trip down the Mediterranean on board a tramp engaged in the currant trade; and this, my second morning's round, was in some sort a voyage of geographical discovery.

Anti-feminists are positive as to women's "inferior physique," but their practice as employers is too often inconsistent with their opinions.

It is odd to recall him when one thinks of his later physique, as a youth with fresh ruddy face, tall and not broad, a rather slender pillar of a man, corniced with an abundant pompadour of brown hair.

The maintenance of the slave at the full rate required for the preservation of lusty physique was essential.

He looked at me from head to footmy plainness, my miserable physique, my lameness, my feeble frameeverything was comprehended in the scorn of that glance.

At the next house the ownera small, wizened lady of negligible physique but great staying powerentered upon a duet with Alphonso, which soon reduced that very moderate performer to breathlessness.

They had quite large heads, which were somewhat out of proportion to their overall physique.

Either he would collapse or his spirit would carry him beyond the claims of overtaxed physique.

He will not, as no man of his peculiar physique ever entered the sacred portals of the White House."

But the respective physiques of Old and New England can easily be compared, and the difference strikes every eye.

No one who has wrangled with a minor Turkish official, and experienced the impassive resistance he is able to interpose to anything he doesn't want to do, will underestimate what this quality might become, translated into the rugged physique and impassivity of the common soldier.

Another brother, James, a young man of vigorous mental powers, and originally of stalwart physique, who had been working at his trade as a tailor in Glasgow, fell into bad health, which soon showed the symptoms of rapid consumption.

36 adjectives to describe  physiques