42 adjectives to describe picnic

The honorable picnic.

Then she said brightly: "This is our third little picnic together, isn't it?"

Daily, when our lessons were over, we had plenty of fun; long walks and rides, rides on a lively pony, who found small children most amusing, and on which the coachman taught us to stick firmly, whatever his eccentricities of the moment; delightful all-day picnics in the lovely country round Charmouth, Auntie our merriest playfellow.

Afterward they traced the stream down to a lovely glade a half mile above Millville, where Ethel informed them the annual Sunday-school picnic was always held, and then trailed across the rocky plateau to the farm.

In fact, with all the resources at Burke's command, a favourable season and good open country, the excursion would have been a mere picnic to most men of experience.

The Wonderful silly picnic.

W'y, this ain't goin' to be no charge; it's going to be a sort of merry picnic, a game of ''Ere we go gatherin' nuts in May.'

The ignominious picnic.

In all those miles one saw neither complaining nor protestationat times one might almost have thought it some vast, eccentric picnic.

Why were not a new dress, everyday work, and an occasional picnic sufficient to fill my mind?

The Vallée du Lys and the Rue d'Enfer make an agreeable picnic, either in a carriage as far as the "Cabanes du Lys" (6-1/4 miles), and then horses for the other 3-3/4 miles up to the abyss, the cascades, and the Rue d'Enfer, or on horseback all the way.

"We are such a large party, too, that it has been like a perpetual picnic, with only two drawbacks which really mattered.

a green garden, whose palms overhung the lake, proved more attractive than even Jain temples, and a charming picnic on fruits and cool drinks strengthened us sufficiently to enable us to face the hot road home, buoyed up each mile by the nearer prospect of a tub.

To Andy it was all somewhat in the nature of a grand picnic, for his nature was not one to contemplate peril at a distance.

It was a point of honour with him not to seem to disdain any of Undine's amusements: the noisy interminable picnics, the hot promiscuous balls, the concerts, bridge-parties and theatricals which helped to disguise the difference between the high Alps and Paris or New York.

I shouldn't wonder if when she wuz dead tired of the cares, formalities and burdens of a queen, she wished she wuz one of them happy young girls riding off in a cotton frock on the old farm wagon into some joyous picnic.

It was a point of honour with him not to seem to disdain any of Undine's amusements: the noisy interminable picnics, the hot promiscuous balls, the concerts, bridge-parties and theatricals which helped to disguise the difference between the high Alps and Paris or New York.

To the eye the affair was no more than a novel or delicious picnic.

Instead of giving the usual banquet and reception to the seniors, the juniors in a small school might well plan an outdoor picnic and supper.

In this pause of the war our camp-life has been to me as brilliant as a permanent picnic.

I produced it, the men provided drinks, and we had quite a pleasant picnic, with all the windows down to catch a little air.

The British public is too apt to look upon the Macedonian campaign as a prolonged picnic, and for them a dose of Mr. STEBBING would be excellent medicine.

"That would be a rare little picnic," said I, laughing.

It's to be a sort of royal picnic, but in the evening, mind,wasn't that a brilliant idea for the old gentleman?

This latter makes a splendid picnic, and the locality is a rich hunting-ground for entomologists.

42 adjectives to describe  picnic