8 adjectives to describe plush

If no calculation need be made for placing the different dishes composing the dinner, a strip of colored plush or satin bordered with ivy, smilax, or some trailing vine, is quite frequently used for the decoration of a long table.

Breeches, rejected by common consent of young and old alike, cling to the legs of the coalheaver with an abiding fondness, as to the last place of refuge; and, on gala-days, a dandy might die of envy to mark the splendour of those nether integumentswhich he has not soul enough to dare to wearof brilliant eye-arresting blue, or glowing scarlet plush, glittering in the sun's rays, giving and taking glory!

They found a little hat of soft brown plush, but it was entirely moth-eaten.

In writing the confession, the ingenious plush coolly stopped and asked how 'murdered' was spelt.

No squirrel went abroad; A dog's belated feet Like intermittent plush were heard Adown the empty street.

Starting with walnut and red plush it had, in its adolescence, broken out all over into brass beds and birds'-eye maple.

im, and a host of able workers as his slaves making everything easy, padding plush about him, grading roads for him, boring tunnels, moving hills out of his way, eager, like the devil, to show him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory and foolishness, spiritualizing travel for him with lightning and steam, abolishing space and time and almost everything else.

In April, plant-life, as a whole, reached its greatest height, and the plain, over all its varied surface, was mantled with a close, furred plush of purple and golden corollas.

8 adjectives to describe  plush