16 adjectives to describe poesy

"No writing lifts exalted man so high, As sacred and soul-moving poesy.

The bold lyric and dramatic poesy of a language whose figures well up in each word with primitive freshness can ill be contained in an idiom blasé by conventionality and frozen into crystal rigidity by the academy of the illustrious forty,in an idiom in which an unfortunate pun or allusion can destroy the effect of a whole piece.

Blank verse is acknowledged to be too low for a poem, nay more, for a paper of verses; but if too low for an ordinary sonnet, how much more for tragedy, which is by Aristotle, in the dispute betwixt the epic poesy and the dramatic, for many reasons he there alleges, ranked above it.

When men seek immersion or absorption in the atmosphere of pure poesy, without lesson or moral, or anything but delight of fancy and stir of imagination, they will find him less congenial to their mood than poets not worthy to loose the latchet of his shoe in the greater elements of his art.

Nowall the thoughts she wakens in the heart Are glorious Music!divine Poesy!

for the spell of gorgeous poesy, he was not more made for a hero than was Dulcinea del Toboso for a heroine, being the young butcher of the village!!

The reformer talked to the poet about this grand Hebrew poesy, which, according to M. Villemain's impression, "has defrayed in sublime coin the demands of human imagination."

The first part, consisting most in general characters and narration, I have endeavoured to raise, and give it the majestic turn of heroic poesy.

This sweetness of Mr Waller's lyric poesy was afterwards followed in the epic by Sir John Denham, in his Cooper's-Hill, a poem which, your Lordship knows, for the majesty of the style, is, and ever will be, the exact standard of good writing.

Dear old San Bernardo, alias Prince Hamete, son of the Moorish king of Carlet, converted to Christ by the mystic poesy of the Christian cult,and still wearing in his mangled forehead the nail of martyrdom!

The time has been, I've studied love-lays in the English tongue, And been enamour'd of rare poesy: Which now I must unlearn.

There is a health, a vigor, an earnestness, in this spontaneous poesy of an idiom which six centuries ago was the language of courts, and now sings the song of toil.

And then I take it as Love's gift,it lies Imprisoned in my own weak poesy!

But if happly you dwell altogither in Iustinians Courte, and giue your selfe to be devoured of secreate studies, as of all likelyhood you doe, yet at least imparte some your olde or newe, Latine or Englishe, eloquent and gallant poesies to vs, from whose eves, you saye, you keepe in a manner nothing hidden.

Wordsworth spoke of him as "the marvelous boy"; Coleridge called him "young-eyed Poesy"; Shelley honored him in Adonais; and Keats inscribed Endymion to his memory.

His mother saw his fancies stray To fragrant poesy, and leave The dull pursuit of fortune's way, 'Till some would chide and others grieve; But she had marked the rising flame, And led and nourish'd it to fame!

16 adjectives to describe  poesy