117 adjectives to describe politics

It is indeed passing strange that in these days of cheap books and free education, America should be almost a 'terra incognita,' that we should know next to nothing of American history, of the American Constitution, of American practical politics, of the American mentality.

Some of them, English particularly (I don't think the Americans cared much about foreign politics), were most interested and curious over what was going on, and the probable fall of the cabinet.

" In all their internal politics and social advancement, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden, Finland (until the paw of the Bear was on her) and Belgium (till the claw of the Spread-Eagle) have been well to the fore.

There are those who have taken the play for a criticism of contemporary politics or the current law of inheritance.

This John had said with quite unruffled good humour, and with a smile on his face, as though such an upheaval of domestic politics were the simplest thing in the world.

The Bad Boy and His Pa Inject a Little Politics Into the ShowRival Bands of Atlanta Citizens Meet in the Circus Tent- A Bunch of Angry Hornets Causes Much Bitter Feeling.

SEE Ferguson, John M. FERGUSON, RUSSELL J. Early western Pennsylvania politics.

It is worthy of note that the degradation of so many English boroughs and cities during the Tudor and Stuart periods was chiefly due to the encroachment of national politics upon municipal politics.

Not dealing in the subtleties of abstract politics, but moving in the slow, steady procession of reason, his conceptions were reflective, and his views correct.

These reforms, having but little reference to partisan politics, received the approbation of both Whigs and Tories.

These laws, or general truths, form the subject of a branch of science which may be aptly designated from the title of social economy; somewhat less happily by that of speculative politics, or the science of politics, as contradistinguished from the art.

[Sidenote: Provincial politics.]

In this way the Rumanian Government has entered upon a policy of acquisition; a policy which Rumania is too weak to pursue save under the patronage of one or a group of great powers; a policy unfortunate inasmuch as it will deprive her of freedom of action in her external politics.

Such politics as existed, as between one Duchy and another, were mere teacup politics.

Southern politics in state and nation.

He selected for his colleagues men of liberal politics, but temperate in their opinions.

I know not what such inhuman politics tend to, but my contempt, and the conscious pride of national superiority; certain, that when Providence sees fit to vindicate itself, by bestowing victory on our countrymen, the most welcome "Laurels that adorn their brows "Will be from living, not dead boughs.

He entered into the arena of controversial politics, wrote for the newspapers, appealed to democratic passions, and set in motion a net-work of party machinery to influence the votes of the people, foreseeing the future triumph of his principles.

As one of the "Moderate" party, I now became much implicated in ecclesiastical politics.

Sly, crafty, cunning, subtle, wily, artful, politic, designing.

We had lived abroad so much that we knew people all over the world,it was a change from the eternal politics and "shop" talk we heard everywhere else.

To have known her was to ride above the wretched party politics to which our age is condemned.

But, after the complete failure of my hopes of putting a new life into Radical politics by means of the Review, I am glad to look back on these two instances of success in an honest attempt to do mediate service to things and persons that deserved it.

The evil propensities of our nature, which penal laws and moralists vainly contend against, were fostered by praise, and stimulated by rewardall the established distinctions of right and wrong confounded and a system of revolutionary ethics adopted, not less incompatible with the happiness of mankind than revolutionary politics.

Hence it is, that the public wish was in favour of Robespierre; for, besides that his cautious character has given him an advantage over the undisguised profligacy of Hebert, it is conjectured by many, that the more merciful politics professed by Camille Desmoulins, are secretly suggested, or, at least assented to, by the former.

117 adjectives to describe  politics