472 adjectives to describe music

Her complexion was brilliant, her smile charming, while her voice was so low and sweet that to hear it was like listening to sweet music.

The band played some martial music, and the cavalry passed very handsomely in review before General Sheridan.

I believe there is no part of England in which the practice of sacred music is so widely and lovingly pursued amongst the working people as in the counties of Lancashire and Yorkshire.

While at home, I learned a little music, and could play a few airs on the lute.

I have listened to some of the most celebrated singers, and of the most distinguished performers, but it appears to me now, that I never, on any other occasion, heard the melody of the human voice, or instrumental music half so enchanting, as that which came floating over the lake on that calm summer night.

There must be anthems and chants, and there must be a clear and thorough exposition of the elements of vocal music to help on the tyros who aspire to join the choir.

And many singers will doubtless join hereafter in the song of "Moses and the Lamb" whose souls were on earth attuned to heavenly music through the pleading words or holy example of Frances Ridley Havergal.

They had seen the great white tents gleaming in the sunlight up in the open fields, a mile away, and had heard the distant music of the band and caught glimpses of the long procession as it wound through the city streets below them.

He not only elaborated the forms, but varied the rhythms, broadened the melody, and deepened the expression of orchestral music.

One great singer followed rapidly after another, and Ida, with slightly flushed face and eyes that were dim with unshed tearsfor the exquisite music thrilled her to the coreleant back, with her hands tightly clasped in her lap, her thoughts flying back to Herondale and those summer evenings which, in some strange way, every song recalled.

I went very regularly to the Sunday afternoon concerts at the Conservatoire, where all classical music was splendidly given.

Sentences: "Hearing oftentimes The still, sad music of humanity, Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power To and subdue."

The girls listened to the eeriest, weirdest music they had ever heard, and Violet slipped shivering under the covers and hid her face with the sheet.

" I thought that sublime setting of primeval forest and pouring canyon was worthy of the lines; I am sure the dewless, crystalline air never vibrated to strains of more solemn music.

Primary music and worship for church school and home.

One might have expected that the prince of pianists, being at the same time a composer, would do for the pianoforte what Bach had done for choral and organ music, Beethoven for the symphony, Schubert for the art song, and Wagner for the opera.

For half an hour, they coursed him round and round the island, making the lake vocal with their merry music.

The inhabitants all profess our Law, and join together in its religious music for their enjoyment.

COLEMAN, SATIS N. Creative music in the home.

The roaring river fills all the arching way with impressively loud reverberating music, which is sweetened at times by the ouzel, a bird that is not afraid to go wherever a stream may go, and to sing wherever a stream sings.

Elementary music and two-part music with piano accompaniments.

It seemed to be falling an infinite depth; the celestial music grew fainter and fainter, till common earthly sights and sounds dispelled the vision.

He was content to stand by the rail and gaze across the sea, a new wonder to him; or to lie about in his steamer chair and listen, with half-closed eyes, to the hissing of the spray and the faint music of the wind.

His eye was kindly keen upon his friends, and he was quick to perceive when one among them had begun to hear the howlings which had once tormented him so sorely; he fancied that there was upon the faces of those who listened often to that mournful music an expression peculiar to such suffering.

Gladly I climbed along its dashing border, absorbing its divine music, and bathing from time to time in waftings of irised spray.

472 adjectives to describe  music