84 adjectives to describe potato

Peel and boil 3 sweet potatoes in salted water until tender; then mash well with 3 beaten yolks of eggs, 1 cup of milk, 3 tablespoonfuls of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, a pinch of nutmeg and lemon-juice.

Serve hot on a platter with mashed potatoes.

Serve with baked potatoes.

La gloire et des Grenouilles, France and fried potatoes.

Peel and slice 6 raw potatoes very thin; then beat 1 egg with 1 tablespoonful of butter.

INGREDIENTS.5 onions, 5 heads of celery, 10 moderate-sized potatoes, 3 oz. butter, 1/2 pint of water, 1/2 pint of cream, 2 quarts of stock No. 105.

Add the boiled onions, 2 small cold sliced potatoes, the codfish and 1 cup of milk; sprinkle with pepper.

Then one day Inger went out and found over a score of little potatoes under one plant.

Elia was no Barmecide host, and the serjeant dwells not without regret upon the solider business of the evening,"the cold roast lamb or boiled beef, the heaps of smoking roasted potatoes, and the vast jug of porter, often replenished from the foaming pots which the best tap of Fleet Street supplied," hospitably presided over by "the most quiet, sensible, and kind of women," Mary Lamb.

to 11-1/2d., and heavy, sticky, stringy bread at that; or we read of the bean porridge or grated potato that was their chief food; or, if they were rather better off, they told of oatmeal and a dash of red herringone red herring among three people was thought a luxury.

Slice some cooked potatoes; then butter a baking-dish; sprinkle with flour.

SAUTÉ.Take cold steamed potatoes and cut into slices.

Some nice sour milk, and boiled potatoes!" cried the boy, and then Squinty smelled the most delicious smellto him at least.

Rub-a-dub, dub, Three men in a tub, The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick-Maker, They all jumped into a rotten potato.

Select fine smooth potatoes; cut off the end of each and scrape out the inside.

She heaped Reginald's plate with cold chicken and creamed potatoes, and, mellowed by them and the comfort of her well-appointed table, he was prepared to renounce the devil and all his works if Mrs. Corbett gave the order.

Slice boiled potatoes thin; chop some onion very fine; slice 2 hard-boiled eggs and mix.

Presently I had hot coffee for her, and some warm milk, with the fish and good bread and butter, and a few slices of crisp pork which I had fried, and browned warmed-up potatoes.

They lived almost entirely on gruel made from chuño, frozen bitter potatoes.

Boil sufficient potatoes to make 1/2 lb. when mashed; add to these the butter, eggs, milk, sherry, lemon-juice, and sugar; mince the lemon-peel very finely, and beat all the ingredients well together.

" "Oh no, no," said La Fleur, dropping her head on one side so that her smile made a slight angle with the horizon; "I never cooked for the queen, no indeed; but I have lived with high families, lords, ladies, and ambassadors, and I don't remember that any of them had better potatoes than I saw to-day.

Where can you find many adults who would relish a meal which should consist entirely of plain bread, without any addition; of plain potatoes, without anything on them except a little salt; of a plain rice pudding, and nothing with it; or of plain baked or boiled apples or pears?

1 lb. tomatoes, 7 small Spanish onions, 8 medium potatoes, 1 oz. nutter or butter, 2 small carrots or parsnips, or 1 cup fresh green peas.

They lunched on cutletsstripped the cutlets to the boneand little crisp brown potatoes, and they drank between them a whole half bottle ofsome white wine or other, Lewisham selected in an off-hand way from the list.

* Potato Cream Boil six medium-sized, mealy potatoes and when soft press them through a sieve until light and floury.

84 adjectives to describe  potato