9 adjectives to describe pottering

However many little Yids Jane might achieve in the future, there would be this little Potter to carry on his own dreams.

The creative potter loved the clay.

Trifle, dally, dawdle, potter.

Cups, pots, basins, and other round articles, are turned rough on the horizontal potter's wheel; and, when half dried, are again turned in a lathe.

They were settled there in a separate community, and vestiges of the Shang population were still to be found there in the fifth century A.D.: they were entirely impoverished potters, still making vessels in the old style.

It would have been perfectly natural for the prehistoric potters to have desired to placate the presiding divinity, not so much perhaps out of gratitude for the clay as to avert his displeasure and fend off bad luck in baking pottery.

At Barnsley dwells a potter tough and strong, That never brook'd we brethren should have wrong.

"Is it wise, then, say, in the waning day, When the vessel is crack'd and old, To cherish the battered potter's clay As though it were virgin gold?

In the first part, a very wicked potter or itinerant seller of pots, Peter Bell, being lost in the woodland, comes to the borders of a river, and thinks to steal an ass which he finds pensively hanging its head over the water; Peter Bell presently discovers that the dead body of the master of the ass is floating in the river just below.

9 adjectives to describe  pottering