1415 adjectives to describe power

The Conquest had merely changed the old rivalry between two foreign powers into one between two widely differing British possessions; and this, because of the general unrest among the Americans, made the competition more bitter, if possible, than ever.

Throughout the world there is being turned to the service of religion the highest training, the most intellectual power.

Power: unlimited, absolute power was his goal.

The Hortensian law, passed by Q. Hortensino, affirmed the legislative power granted the plebeians B.C. 446 and 336.

The prejudice I mean is a hasty persuasion, frequently found in the most amiable minds, that some peculiar strength of nerve, some rare mechanism of frame, and extraordinary assemblage of mental powers, are absolutely requisite for the execution of any noble design.

"Instead of the rosy dawn of freedom," writes Ebers, himself an old Keilhau boy, "in the State the exercise of a boundless arbitrary power, in the Church dark intolerance."

But they had first to settle with the Americans, who had considered themselves an independent sovereign power for the last five years and who were determined to make the most of England's difficulties.

From first to last he acted entirely within his constitutional powers as President of the United States.

It lays hold of a child and, out of his destructive instinctsthe instinct to bang, and pull, and tear to piecesit develops creative power, the inventive genius that lies hid within him.

Thinkers are finding in the large life of religion a motive power for their thought, their growtha reason for their existencea forecast of their destiny.

Think you that any spiritual power aloof from this Church can be as efficient as if it were allied with it?

It is the problem of the training of better bosses; the education of men and women in social control; their enlightenment, from childhood up, in civic duties, in national affairs, and the conduct of civil power.

The grey limewort was at one time supposed to have been a specific in hydrophobiathat it not only cured those labouring under this disorder, but by carrying it about the person, it was reputed to possess the extraordinary power of preventing mad dogs from biting them.

While the people remained citizens of their respective States in the sphere of government which was reserved to the States, yet they directly became citizens of the central government, and, as such, ceased to be citizens of the several States in the sphere of government delegated to the central power; and this allegiance was enforced by the direct action of the central government on the citizens as individuals.

In this kingdom there was formerly an Arhan, who by his supernatural power took a clever artificer up to the Tushita heaven, to see the height, complexion, and appearance of Maitreya Bodhisattva, and then return and make an image of him in wood.

Power: unlimited, absolute power was his goal.

He was more of a soldier than a statesmanhad contributed very successfully to the formation of "United Italy" and the suppression of the Pope's temporal power, and was naturally not exactly persona grata to the Catholics in France.

But here, they are utterly valueless, wasting their mighty power upon desolate rocks, rushing in mad and impotent fury forever through a region of barrenness and sterility, so far as the uses of civilization are concerned, a region where the manufacturer or the agriculturist will never tarry, until the world shall be so full of people that necessity will drive them to the mountains, to build up the waste places of the earth.

" "But have they no friends, who can at once render them this service, and relieve them from the odium of it?" "There is, indeed, somewhat of this; but you must remember, that the highest of our magistrates has comparatively little power.

The Victor is he who, in his own life, unites these two things: a great longing after the god-like, which makes him yearn for virtue,and the divine power within him, through which and by which he is triumphant over time and death and sin.

He had won a battle which once and for all broke the naval power of France and Spain, and delivered Great Britain from all fear of attack by the great Napoleon.

He created, also, a Council of Ministers, which Farini calls the most important act of his reign, "As being that by which the executive power acquired an organization worthy of a civilized state, and altogether novel in that of Rome."

Because of its superior powers of enduring variations of climate and soil, it has a more extensive range than any other conifer growing on the Sierra.

Not far from the beginning of the present century, practical experiment began to develop the mysterious power of steam.

Suffice it to say, that, with the title of Comandante de Campaña, he retained in La Rioja every fraction of actual power,nominating, nevertheless, a shadowy governor, who, if he attempted any independent action, was instantly deposed.

1415 adjectives to describe  power