8 adjectives to describe preach

Another son, Edmund, was horn in the autumn of 1790, and a few weeks later a series of visits were paid by Crabbe, his wife and elder boy, to their relations at Aldeburgh, Parham, and Beccles, from which latter town, according to Crabbe's son, they visited Lowestoft, and were so fortunate as to hear the aged John Wesley preach, on a memorable occasion when he quoted Anacreon: "Oft am I by women told, Poor Anacreon!

They could say all sorts of things,one and another: "I wrote some little books; I said some little says; I preached a little preach; I lit a little blaze; I made things pleasant in one little place.

" "He mought preach!"

These muftis preach "the blood of Jesus," the dogma that man without a belief in miracles is eternally lost, that everlasting life depends upon acknowledging this, that or the other.

"] They ain't no tears shed over him When he goes off ter war, He gits no speech nor prayerful "preach" From mayor or governor; He packs his little knapsack up And trots off in the van, Ter start the fight and start it right, The Reg'lar Army man; The rattlin', battlin', Colt or Gatlin', Reg'lar Army man.

Wen a nigger did die why de rest of de niggers hed ter work en one nigger made de box whiler ernother nigger dug de grave en the nigger war jes civered up en den on de Fourth Sunday in August ebery year all de colored folks would take a basket dinner ter de church en each family dat had buried a nigger would pay de preacher ter preach the sermon foh dat darkie dat died.

Aftah all er mah youth and hardship and goodship the Lord called me ter preach and when he called me ah answered.

"'Deed, sir," quo' Janet, "I'm gaun to Haddington for the occasion an' expeck to hear ye preach this efternoon."

8 adjectives to describe  preach