271 adjectives to describe pressures

The touch of her hands was no more than the gentle pressure of a summer wind, and grew less perceptible.

I managed to save the greater part of the beverage, since, the atmospheric pressure being the same though the weight was so changed, lead, and still more china or liquid, fell in the Astronaut as slowly as feathers in the immediate vicinity of the Earth.

I dropped mine in it; there was a slight pressure, some few more murmured words

It was really a fine performance for our infantry and our cavalry patrols, necessarily unsupported by anything like our full artillery strength, to keep up the constant pressure they did on an enemy who enjoyed almost the full protection of his.

All this work of education, intellectual and spiritual, was conducted under severe pressure of poverty.

Only by long chiselings and steady pressures.

If any one wishes to be convinced of the effect of quicksilver on plate, he has only to rub a little of it on one place for some time,on the handle of a silver teaspoon for instance, and he will find it break in that spot with very little pressure.

The resultant quotient, the internal pressure divided by the external pressure, measures the intravisceral pressure.

The pressure within a viscus is dependent upon the ratio between the amount of contraction of the involuntary muscle in its walls, the external pressure, and the quantity of its distending contents, the internal pressure.

One has been, that the relief we have given has not been given with a sufficiently liberal hand; the nextand I think I shall show you that these two are inconsistent, the one answering the otheris, that there has not been a sufficient pressure on the local rates; and the third is, that Lancashire has not hitherto done its duty with reference to the subscriptions from other parts of the country.

Q.And how is this area ascertained? A.It may be ascertained in various ways; but the usual mode is to take the vertical height of the diagram at a number of equidistant points on a base line, and then to take the mean of these several heights as representative of the mean pressure actually urging the piston.

Q.What will be the pressure of the steam, under such circumstances, at the end of the stroke? A.If the steam be shut off at half stroke, the pressure of the steam, reckoning the total pressure both below and above the atmosphere, will just be one-half of what it was at the beginning of the stroke.

Suddenly, there sounded a quick, low grunt, and the door creaked under a tremendous pressure.

Thus, though the force of the heart and the general average blood-pressure remain the same, the state of the circulation may be very different in different parts of the body.

Among the causes which contributed to the success of the revolution were the inability of the north to obtain loans from outside, and the pressure, both direct and indirect, exerted upon both parties by foreign Powers.

Now it has been found by experiment that gases under uniform pressure expand 1/273 of their volume for each degree Centigrade of increased temperature, so that in passing from 0° C. to 273° C. they are doubled in volume.

The instant that he felt the light pressure on his temples, all his fears vanished; and he followed his guide, conversing pleasantly through wide avenues and over broad glades of fresh turf, which seemed to be laid out like a royal chase, till they came to a wall of rock resembling the Hahnen Klippers, and entering through an arch, a grey moss-covered tower arose in the distance.

Their great bodies, as they lay quiet in the snow with heads raised and hind legs bent under them, were like powerful engines, tranquil under enormous pressure; and when they rose the movement was like the quick snap of a steel spring.

The balance piston, therefore, rose by the upward pressure upon it momentarily predominating over the downward pressure on the valve; but this fault was corrected by enlarging the communicating passage between the top of the balance piston and the eduction pipe.

A.The result would be to burst the feed pipes, except for a safety valve placed on the feed pipe between the engine and the boilers, which safety valve opens when any undue pressure comes upon the pipes, and allows the water to escape.

Continue the gradual increase of pressure so that when the aim has become exact the additional pressure required to release the point of the sear can be given almost insensibly and without causing any deflection of the rifle.

" Play is marked off from work chiefly by the absence of any outside pressure, and pleasure in the activity is the characteristic of play pure and simple: if a child has forced upon him a hint of any ulterior motive that may be in the mind of his teacher, the pleasure is spoilt for him and the intrinsic value of the play is lost.

The hardening is effected partly by sudden cooling, partly by the application of electricity under great hydraulic pressure.

Sooner or later the internal pressure of public opinion would force the adoption of a similar policy upon the Government of every civilized country in Europe.

he cried, interpreting the sudden pressure of her arms, "you don't mean that she's gone and done it, too!"

271 adjectives to describe  pressures