38 adjectives to describe pretense

" "Eh?" "John Merrick, millionaire and impostor, who came into my family under false pretenses and won our love and friendship when we didn't know it, give an account of yourself!" Patsy laughed.

We are going to put the niggers down because we want to, and think we can; so why waste our time in mere pretense?

Without the slightest pretense of considering or investigating these charges Congress and Senatelong the mouthpieces of Cientificismoratified the elections as just and legal.

"My sister says I'm a fraudthat I really have a frivolous mind and that my serious look is a hollow pretense.

She stopped with a graceful pretense of dreading his judgment, although she knew that she had been talking well, and read nothing but admiration in his very expressive face.

In the middle, between the two villages lay a hamlet consisting of a few farms and some small houses of little pretense.

I said, trying to think of something to say that would show what I thought of him, her, and their dirty pretense; "your daughter!

The egotistical pretense of The Buffalo Intelligencer was torn to shreds, and ridicule was heaped upon its editor.

Ever since the Sunday morning of the automobile ride, Shade Buckheath had been making elaborate pretense of having forgotten that such a person as Johnnie Consadine existed.

With rebellion thus sugar coated they have been drugging the public mind of their section for more than thirty years, and until at length they have brought many good men to a willingness to take up arms against the Government the day after some assemblage of men have enacted the farcical pretense of taking their State out of the Union who could have been brought to no such thing the day before.

And his old-fashioned pretense of inspiration!

It is a sad illustration of the ignorance of the Russian people as a whole, that such a man could have gotten so great a power on such flimsy pretenses.

She had not even slackened long enough to make the usual futile pretense of extending assistance to the unfortunate occupant, or occupants.

And presently Madonna Gemma, peering from her chamber window, saw her husband, with a ghastly pretense of care, lead young Raffaele Muti down the hill into the darkness from which there came never a sound.

Going forward, with that natural, dignity that belongs to those whose minds and hearts are unsullied by habitual pretense of feeling and sham emotions, Sibyl spoke a few well chosen words of sympathy.

"What you will call a Daddy-Long-Leggish pretense," he explained to her with an attempt at facetiousness.

She has been of untold and inestimable service to us in the course of the Spanish War, and her ways have been good for us at Manila, while the Germans have been frankly against us, the Russians grimly reserved, and the French disposed to be fretful because they have invested in Spanish bonds upon which was raised the money to carry on the miserable false pretense of war with the Cubans.

She leaned back in her seat and raised the wine-glass in obvious pretense to her lips.

All its brute force, pious pretenses, plausibility, chivalry, all the good and bad of the Southern character; all the weapons of the army of despotism were concentrated in this man, the friend of my friends, the man who stood ready to set me on the pinnacle of social distinction by his recognition.

You may say that it is my egotism; but, at a moment like this, what is the use of shammingof polite pretense?

Her two hands were closing her ears in a pretty pretense.

Here was no retrospective pretense of an opulent past, such as the other Invaders were given to parading before the bland but undeceived subject race.

There stood the mares and the horses ranged in a loose semi-circle, waiting and watching; only the colts, ignorant of what was to come, had begun to frolic together or bother their mothers with a savage pretense of battle.

The look kept deepening, sank far down beneath Katie's shallow pretense.

You may say that it is my egotism; but, at a moment like this, what is the use of shammingof polite pretense?

38 adjectives to describe  pretense