28 adjectives to describe prime

He, too, resolved to vary his visits, and, starting with a basis of two a week, sat trying to solve the mathematical chances of selecting the same as Kate Nugent; calculations which were not facilitated by a long-winded account from Mr. Wilks of certain interesting amours of his youthful prime.

Illusion is for life's golden prime, its fanes and pavilions may be reared but by the magic wand of Youth.

The words were those striking lines of Montgomery: Go to the grave in all thy glorious prime, etc.

Already two moral shocks had shaken her terriblythe first, when she was in her ardent prime, when a gendarme shot down her lover

Their eyes grew clear and bright; a dark shade deepened among their silvery locks; they sat round the table, three gentlemen of middle age, and a woman hardly beyond her buxom prime.

Des marchands Vénitiens que nous consultames nous en détournèrent, et nous primes le parti d'y renoncer.

Before he reached his poetic prime, he showed two periods of influence,French and Italian.

The early time, our love's sweet prime, In you wakes only wrath.

Oh love's blest prime!

He was a sunbrowned fellow, as tall as Sinclair and more heavily built; as for his age, he seemed in that joyous prime of physical life, twenty-five.

The walls shall vermin, storm, and bird defy; Fit dwelling is it for his lordly prime.

ROME REVISITED O sovereign Rome, still mistress of the heart, As of the world in thy majestic prime, Grand in thy ruins, peerless in thine art, Rich in the memories of a past sublime, Is thine the fault or mine that thou art changed, And that I tread the new Tiberian shore Convinced, alas!

It was not so much the splendour of manly prime and strength that struck him with the contrast to himself, not so much even the sight of love, as of hope, and spring, and bloom, that were more than he could bear.

Her long, pale face, with its strongly marked features, was less rugged in the mature prime of life than in youth, the inner meanings of her nature having worked themselves more and more to the surface, the mouth, with its benignant suavity of expression, especially softening the too prominent under lip and massive jaw.

River, River, swelling River, On you rush o'er rough and smooth Louder, faster, brawling, leaping Over rocks, by rose-banks sweeping, Like impetuous youth. River, River, brimming River, Broad and deep and still as Time, Seeming stillyet still in motion, Tending onward to the ocean, Just like mortal prime.

Success is for a mighty race, in its vigorous and masterful prime.

The high-born Vaudracour was brought, by years Whose progress had a little overstepped His stripling prime.

Within, recumbent on a couch, was laid A form more perfect than e'er man survey'd: The new-blown rose, the lily's virgin prime, In the fresh hour of fragrant summer-time, Though of all flowers the fairest of the fair, With this sweet paragon might ill compare; And o'er her shoulders flow'd with graceful pride,

That she must thus use her womanhood, her precious prime of strength.

They are sure to come when a masterful people, still in its raw barbarian prime, finds itself face to face with a weaker and wholly alien race which holds a coveted prize in its feeble grasp.

Those who had served and fought in their stalwart prime grew stiff and bent, and yet the ships and the armies were struggling.

In fact, the lion-hearted lady had not heart to look herself in the face for the last twenty years of her life; but we nowhere learn that she quarrelled with Holbein's portraitures of her youth, or those of her stately prime of viraginity by De Heere and Zucchero.

They are sure to come when a masterful people, still in its raw barbarian prime, finds itself face to face with a weaker and wholly alien race which holds a coveted prize in its feeble grasp.

A vision of that unforgotten prime, The patriarchal age, when Earth was young, A while oh: let it linger!oh the soul It breaketh, like a lovely burst of spring Upon the gaze of captives, when the clouds Again are floating over freedom's head!

Ere breezy woods are in their verdant prime.

28 adjectives to describe  prime