28 adjectives to describe proficiency

Up, therefore, Christians, and be doing: Listen to such a teacher, who, lest thou tire in thy race, or turn back, teacheth thee a certain and sweet way of singular proficiency and progress in the ways of God.

I believe I have now attained sufficient proficiency to venture there.

There is no regulation of our Order more frequently repeated in our constitutions, nor one which should be more rigidly observed, than that which requires of every candidate a "suitable proficiency" in one degree, before he is permitted to pass to another.

Yet pleasant fellows, full of chatand not a few among them had arrived at considerable proficiency on the German flute.

He himself, however, was greatly cheered by the musical proficiency of his two sons, and the intellectual refinement of Frederick William.

It is evident, whatever be the cause, that this nation, with all its renown for speculation and for learning, has yet made little proficiency in civil wisdom.

Administrative proficiency in business.

At the same time used to visit her the bitter, bilious, discontented David, the painter, who, though very young, was annoyed at a woman having such incontestable proficiency in his own art, and whose democratic ideas were hurt at her receiving such a number of what he styled "great people."

It were well if the English, like the Greek language, possessed some definite word to express, simply and generally, intellectual proficiency or perfection, such as "health," as used with reference to the animal frame, and "virtue," with reference to our moral nature.

The horse-trough opposite the "Bell and Feathers" is to the antiquarian a most particularly interesting morceau; the verdure of age has defaced it in part, but enough still remains to prove that our ancestors had made no mean proficiency in the rustic style of architecture.

For mere proficiency in lessons they cherished a sovereign contempt.

The man who, repairing to the excellent tirtha called Vidya, batheth there in the evening, obtaineth proficiency in every kind of knowledge.

The lady seemed to understand from her companion's countenance, that he did not exactly comprehend the signification of her words; but as this had occurred on other occasions, and with other persons, she felt no surprise at the circumstance, attributing it, as was natural, to her own extreme cultivation and philological proficiency.

She sat through the long weary hours with her eyes bent upon her work, and made rapid proficiency in the art she was acquiring.

This account is not less likely, from the remarkable proficiency acquired by Ninon, at an early age, in the use of that instrument.

And he did, too, and certainly took as much pleasure in his pupil in the long course of instruction which followed, and in the resultant proficiency.

Unsuspected social gradations were thus revealed to the attentive Undine, but she was beginning to think that her sad proficiency had been acquired in vain when her hopes were revived by the appearance of Mr. Popple and his friend at the Stentorian dance.

Even then, with foresight, technical proficiency, the investment of labor and capital, agricultural land can be restored to fertility.

Besides his skill in the Latin and Greek languages, he had made a tolerable proficiency in the Hebrew; but poetry was his early bent, and darling study.

Animated by the encouragement of a tutor so celebrated, he continued the vigour of his application, and, for several years, not only attended the lectures of Grævius, but made use of every other opportunity of improvement, with such diligence as might justly be expected to produce an uncommon proficiency.

"'An abnormal proficiency at games has apparently destroyed all desire in him to realize the more serious issues of life.'

There was much need, too, for the utmost proficiency they could attain, for the very existence of the Indian tribes of the prairies depends on their success in hunting the buffalo.

The nature of the work asked of the teachers in primary schools, has led to insistence by the State on the necessity for their professional training, as well as for their academic proficiency.

Johnson, however, was always ready to acknowledge how much he was indebted to Hunter for his classical proficiency.

Mud itselfor a Sun editorialcould not be plainer than this definition of her exact proficiency in our unmelodious tongue.

28 adjectives to describe  proficiency