36 adjectives to describe psalm

SEE The shepherd psalm.

There are the Victors in the intellectual wrestlings of the world,the thinkers, poets, sages; the Victors in great sorrows, who conquer the savage pain of heart and desolation of spirit which arise from heroic human grief,Oedipus and Antigone, Iphigenia, Perseus, Prometheus, King Lear, Samson Agonistes, Job, and David in his penitential psalm.

Now the hymn, accompanied by the organ, rushed like a big, full stream on through the church: "Thy Zion scatters palms And greening twigs for Thee, But I in glorious psalms Will lift my soul to Thee!

My favorite psalm was that nonsense of John Hay's: 'For always in thine eyes, O Liberty, Shines that high light whereby the world is saved; And though thou slay us, we will trust in thee.

Thus many psalms in the first half of the Psalter are repeated wholly or in part in later psalms.

He did not seem to be conscious of any inconsistency between the chanted psalm and the profane interjections by which it was accompanied; but, even if he had been fully aware of it, he probably would have regarded the chanting as a fair offset to the profanity, and would have gone on his way with serene indifference, fully assured that if he sang a sacred verse every time he swore, his celestial account must necessarily balance!

Byron's "Vision of Judgment" thus closes: King George slipp'd into Heaven for one; And when the tumult dwindled to a calm, I left him practising the hundredth psalm.

From this latter division has been made: (1) a selection of psalms suitable by their character and meaning to Lauds (vide infra, psalms at Lauds); (2) a selection of psalms suitable to Compline; (3) the psalms long used in the small Hours of Sunday's Office; (4) the first psalms assigned by Pope Pius V. to Prime on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Still, in the cannon's pause, we hear Her sweet thanksgiving-psalm; Too near to God for doubt or fear, She shares the eternal calm She knows the seed lies safe below The fires that blast and burn; For all the tears of blood we sow She waits the rich return.

And my dreams of naiads and flower-fairies, and the blue-bells ringing God's praises, as they do in "The story without an End," for the gross reality of naughty charity children, with their pockets full of apples, bawling out Hebrew psalms of which they neither feel nor understand a word?' Argemone tried to look very much shocked at this piece of bombast.

Accordingly, next morning he appeared with his clerk, and, in his pontificals, read several prayers in the established form, and then read the collect for the seventh day of September, which was the thirty-fifth psalm.

After she had refreshed him with food, and lulled him to sleep, she killed him by driving a nail into his temples; and for this deed, (which now-a-days would be called a perfidious murder,) the prophetess Deborah, in an inspired psalm, pronounces Jael to be "blessed above women," and glorifies her act by an elaborate description of its atrocity.

The following little psalm, The Lord reigneth, is a thunderous organ-blast of praise.

His soldiers, bareheaded with reversed arms, and muffled drums, and colours, escorted his body to the grave, singing, as they marched, that lofty and melancholy psalm, in which the fragility of human life is contrasted with the immutability of Him, in whose sight a thousand years are but as yesterday when it is passed, and as a watch in the night.

Often he was inconsistent: his Hymn to Nature is in part a pantheistic rhapsody, in part a monotheistic Hebrew psalm.

When the sun rises, the oldest of the band, with an imposing and mysterious voice, sings a monotonous psalm.

No summer could for them; Or Arctic creature, dimly stirred By tropic hint, some travelled bird Imported to the wood; Or wind's bright signal to the ear, Making that homely and severe, Contented, known, before The heaven unexpected came, To lives that thought their worshipping A too presumptuous psalm.

The strain of Archilochos sung without music at Olympia, the triple resonant psalm of victory, sufficed to lead to the hill of Kronos Epharmostos triumphing with his comrade friends: but now with darts of other sort, shot from the Muses' far-delivering bow, praise Zeus of the red lightning, and Elis' holy headland, which on a time Pelops the Lydian hero chose to be Hippodameia's goodly dower.

A heavenly trust my spirit calms, My soul is filled with light: The ocean sings his solemn psalms, The wild winds chant: I cross my palms, Happy as if, to-night, Under the cottage-roof, again I heard the soothing summer-rain.

In that cell, when not under torture, he managed to write meditations on the thirteenth psalm, "In Thee, O Lord, have I hoped," and a little work entitled "A Rule for Living a Christian Life".

" The new arrangement of the Psalter did not retain the old traditional psalms, 4, 90, 133, in Compline, except for Sundays and solemn feasts.

The strain of Archilochos sung without music at Olympia, the triple resonant psalm of victory, sufficed to lead to the hill of Kronos Epharmostos triumphing with his comrade friends: but now with darts of other sort, shot from the Muses' far-delivering bow, praise Zeus of the red lightning, and Elis' holy headland, which on a time Pelops the Lydian hero chose to be Hippodameia's goodly dower.

The deep's full heart that throbs unceasing against the silent ships, The waves together murmuring with weird, mysterious lips To hear their untranslated psalm, drew down his anointed ear, And listening, lo!

Round the old grey spire in the evening calm, No more they circle in sportive glee, Hearing the hum of the vesper psalm, And the swell of the organ so far below; But far, far away, over land and sea, In the still mid-air the swift Passage-birds go.

The good old gentlemen who come up to eat Commencement dinners and to sing with quavery voices the annual psalm thereafter, are bewildered in the mazes of the college-speech of their grandsons.

36 adjectives to describe  psalm