4 adjectives to describe pueblos

Social organization of the western pueblos.

Curious eyes now turned toward the seeming mound on the summit, querying whether it might not be the remains of an antique pueblo.

" Further details as to conditions in Cebu are given in a letter to Aguinaldo from the commissioner whom he put in charge of elections in that island, who on February 19, 1899, writes: "Having arrived in this province the 8th of last month, I left on the 11th for the northern pueblos of this Island to hold the elections for the offices ordered by the Superior Decree of June 18, last.

The smaller branch, called Rio de San Juan, descends from high mountains to the westward, having its rise, we were told, near the secluded Indian pueblos of Similaton and Opotoro.

4 adjectives to describe  pueblos