17 adjectives to describe puss

" "You're a sentimental little puss," said her father.

Pussy, pussy, dear, pretty puss.

The invitations were folded kitty-cornered and inside of each appeared a fat fuzzy little gray puss taken from a real pussy-willow branch.

The invitations were folded kitty-cornered and inside of each appeared a fat fuzzy little gray puss taken from a real pussy-willow branch.

The invitations were folded kitty-cornered and inside of each appeared a fat fuzzy little gray puss taken from a real pussy-willow branch.

'She does like it sothe little greedy puss!

The horse replied'Poor honest puss, It grieves my heart to see thee thus; 30 Be comforted, relief is near; For all your friends are in the rear.

When I talked to Mary, she said, "Oh yes, I always knew she was a horrid little treacherous puss.

And as to the neutralities, I really think the Russian virago an impertinent puss for meddling with us, and engaging half a score kittens of her acquaintance to scratch the poor old lion, who, if he has been insolent in his day, has probably acted no otherwise than they themselves would have acted in his circumstances and with his power to embolden them.

" "She's a perverse, self-willed, capricious little puss.

But you won't take any notice.' 'Certainly not, ridiculous little puss, except to steer as clear of her as possible for fear she should be taking her observations.

" "You're a sentimental little puss," said her father.

When I talked to Mary, she said, "Oh yes, I always knew she was a horrid little treacherous puss.

The feline kind, however, have reason to think themselves in more danger at the first round of the watering cart, for we have often rescued an unsuspicious tortoise-shell from the felonious designs of a skin-dealer, who was about to lay violent hands on unoffending puss, while she was watching the process of making bread through the crevices of a Scotch grating.

the artful puss!" At this awkward moment, Monsieur Dorinet, with considerable tact, asked Monsieur Philomène for a song; and Monsieur Philomène (who as I afterwards learned was a favorite tenor at fifth-rate concerts) was graciously pleased to comply.

" "She's a perverse, self-willed, capricious little puss.

" "She's a perverse, self-willed, capricious little puss.

17 adjectives to describe  puss