9 adjectives to describe quittor

As these complications are equally common to sub-horny quittor, we shall reserve their description until dealing with that condition.

As these complications are equally common to sub-horny quittor, we shall reserve their description until dealing with that condition.

Meanwhile, the spot of infection thus started spreads, and the end result is an abscess in the coronary region, again accompanied with necrosis and sloughing of more or less skin and other tissue, which terminates by discharging its contents and leaving behind a wound which again constitutes a cutaneous quittor.

As a result of this, we may have the starting-point of suppurating corn, or necrosis of the lateral cartilagein other words, cartilaginous quittor.

This constitutes what is known as tendinous quittor in its worst form, for more often than not there is associated with it inflammation of the navicular bursa, caries of the bones, or arthritis of the pedal articulation.

There is no denying the fact, however, that it is at times followed by a speedy and complete cure of what has for months been an intractable and apparently incurable quittor; and, honestly speaking, we ourselves can see nothing very greatly against the operation in certain cases save its appearance.

This method of treatment is particularly applicable to cases of chronic sub-horny quittor in the more posterior parts of the foot.

In chronic and neglected suppurating corn, in untreated quittor, and in long-standing complicated sand-crack, for instance, we have conditions in which pus and other septic matters find ready entrance into the subcoronary tissues.

The overlapping of the edges of the crack before referred to occasionally gives rise to the condition known as false quittor.

9 adjectives to describe  quittor