18 adjectives to describe raising

It took some self-restraint to listen to the old diplomatist, for his stories were beyond all belief, and yet he was quick at detecting the shadow of a smile or the slightest little raising of the eyebrows.

It took some self-restraint to listen to the old diplomatist, for his stories were beyond all belief, and yet he was quick at detecting the shadow of a smile or the slightest little raising of the eyebrows.

Among them is the celebrated 'Raising of Lazarus' by Sebastian del Piombo, for which a nobleman of this country offered to the late proprietor sixteen thousand pounds sterling, which sum was refused.

230 Love what Isaiah prophesied can do, Exalt the valleys, lay the mountains low, Humble the lofty, the dejected raise, Smooth and make straight our rough and crooked ways.

One would like to see big "indabas" held at every town and centre in the country, formal raising of the Union Jack, cannon salutes, bands playing and parades of soldiers.

"For over three years, I was troubled with frequent raising of blood from my right lung, which physicians failed to cure.

"Yet, whilest the Fates affoord me vitall breath, I will it spend in speaking of thy praise, 310 And sing to thee, untill that timelie death By heavens doome doo ende my earthlie daies: Thereto doo thou my humble spirite raise,

It was impossible to object to the first; but the second was stubbornly contested by the Opposition, the chiefs of the Coalition Ministry once more fighting side by side; though Lord North contented himself with arguing that the affirmation of the right and duty of Parliament was a needless raising of a disputable point, and moving, therefore, that the committee should report progress, as the recognized mode of shelving it.

(with a slight but to me quite perceptible raising of eyebrows, and accenting of words).

Wide o'er the field, high blazing to the sky, Let numerous fires the absent sun supply, The flaming piles with plenteous fuel raise, Till the bright morn her purple beam displays; Lest, in the silence and the shades of night, Greece on her sable ships attempt her flight.

The steamship Ulunda, on the remarkable raising and recovery of which this paper is written, is an iron screw ship of 1,161 tons, until lately belonging to the Furness line.

230 Love what Isaiah prophesied can do, Exalt the valleys, lay the mountains low, Humble the lofty, the dejected raise, Smooth and make straight our rough and crooked ways.

It's no a steady raise in wages that will help.

We reached the summit of the first steep raise and were rewarded by seeing three scouts disappear in the canyon.

" Declan answered the king, saying to him:"Such a matter as thisto raise one to life from deathbelongs to Omnipotence

The difficulty is therefore that the actual raising of the standard of athletics has probably been bad for national athleticism.

But what art thou, That but by reflex can'st shew What his deity can do, As the false Egyptian spell Aped the true Hebrew miracle? Some few vapours thou may'st raise, The weak brain may serve to amaze, But to the reigns and nobler heart Can'st nor life nor heat impart.

Oh divine love, which so aloft canst raise, And lift the minde out of this earthly mire.

18 adjectives to describe  raising