31 adjectives to describe refutations

On the other hand, it must be recollected that the absence of any modification, while it may leave the doctrine of the existence of a law of change without positive support, cannot possibly disprove all forms of that doctrine, though it may afford a sufficient refutation of many of them.

In the whole history of controversy, we venture to affirm, there never was an instance of so triumphant a refutation as that by which these slanderous aspersions were instantly refuted, and their authors and their accomplices reduced to a silence as prudent as discreditable.

In direct refutation of this position he should prove: First, that, in the condition and treatment of the Negroes, there were causes sufficient to afford us reason to expect a considerable decrease, but particularly that their increase had not been a serious object of attention:

To argue from the fact, of this word being used to designate domestic servants, that they were made servants by force, worked without pay, and held as articles of property, is such a gross assumption and absurdity as to make formal refutation ridiculous.

The thorough refutation which it always encountered, whenever it was seriously considered, never seemed to do its popularity any harm.

And yet in a page or two Mr. Macaulay is found making an admission made, indeed, with the object of disparaging Monk and the royalistsbut which gives to his theory of a Cromwellian dynasty the most conclusive refutation.

De Haen's second attempt is to recite all the objections that have been made against sorcery, and to subjoin to each a distinct refutation.

The learned Abbé Maracci, who in 1698 produced a Latin translation of the Qorân accompanied by an elaborate refutation, was no less than Hottinger imbued with the necessity of shuddering at every mention of the "false" Prophet, and Dr. Prideaux, whose Vie de Mahomet appeared in the same year in Amsterdam, abused and shuddered with them, and held up his biography of Mohammed as a mirror to "unbelievers, atheists, deists, and libertines.

Those of you who are accustomed to the classical constructions of reality may be excused if your first reaction upon it be absolute contempta shrug of the shoulders as if such ideas were unworthy of explicit refutation.

The Trinity is the express refutation of all these stupidities; it is their remedy, corrective and preservative.

How greatly does it redound to the true glory of Howard to have given in his successful labours the fullest refutation of a prejudice, so inimical to the interest and the honour of human-nature!

The two courses that we may pursue are (1) the direct, and (2) the indirect refutation.

How greatly does it redound to the true glory of Howard to have given in his successful labours the fullest refutation of a prejudice, so inimical to the interest and the honour of human-nature!

Neither of these opinions is sufficiently prevalent, or sufficiently plausible, to deserve a laboured refutation.

"Some errors never would have thriven, had it not been for learned refutation.

In his Essay, he comforts himself with the belief "that he had enabled every person of common sense to defeat the more important fallacies of the sceptical metaphysicians, even though he should not possess acuteness, or metaphysical knowledge, sufficient to qualify him for a logical refutation of them."

Mild refutations of this modest doctrine having been attempted without success, posters in the necessary red-letter type were issued at Concord, Bunker Hill, Yorktown, etc., which might be translated somewhat thus:"America has its own independent root in the world's centre, its own independent destiny in the Providential thought."

The attempt of these German theologians to frame a philosophical refutation of the Sermon on the Mount gives us something of a shock; but, practically, this has been the attitude of the church in all the generations.

Such a practical refutation of the dogma which your speaking furnishes has already converted multitudes.

I do not think so; and the specimen thus obtained furnished a probable refutation of the theory.

So, owning no call to a larger faith than is expected of us, but not prepared to pronounce the whole hypothesis untenable, under such construction as we should put upon it, we naturally sought to attain a settled conviction through a perusal of several proffered refutations of the theory.

But it is not, therefore, necessarily its radical and absolute refutation.

" In reply to this brutal document of human depravity, William published all over Europe his famous "Apology," of which it is enough to say that language could not produce a more splendid refutation of every charge or a more terrible recrimination against the guilty tyrant.

Absolutist refutations of Pluralism, 54.

The true significance of the representation is not, however, left doubtful; for all the earliest traditions and inscriptions are in this agreed, that such effigies were intended as a confession of faith; an acknowledgment of the dignity of the Virgin Mary, as the "SANCTA DEI GENITRIX;" as a visible refutation of "the infamous, iniquitous, and sacrilegious doctrines of Nestorius the Heresiarch.

31 adjectives to describe  refutations