251 adjectives to describe regard

COVODE said he supposed it would be admitted that he had as little regard for the right and wrong of the thing as any body.

Pray accept this for a letter, and believe me, with sincere regards, yours, C.L. Wainewright, the notorious poisoner, who, under the name of "Janus Weathercock," contributed various frothy papers on art and literature to the "London Magazine.

He won the affectionate regard of his people and is gratefully remembered by their posterity.

The men grumbled fiercely at this, but Captain Selover drove them with slight regard for their opinions or feelings.

Terrence had not the strictest regard for truth, and he might be only telling this out of mischief.

Ever after this, the father was loud in his expressions of remorse, and of admiration for Harry Esmond, and had the tenderest regard for his son's preserver.

Francis endeavored to explain, but a sacred regard to the truth held him tongue-tied, until dropping his head on the shoulder of George, he sobbed out "It is a trifle; nothing to what I would do for you, my brother.

They had been friends from youth, and such a trifle as the fact that they were hired to fight against each other never disturbed the tenor of their mutual regard.

In fact, our scrupulous regard for enemy property will probably result in very many fraudulent claims against our Government when the war is over.

For Mrs. Hawker, in common with all who knew her, the owner of the Wigwam entertained a profound respect; and though his less active mind did not take as much pleasure as that of his daughter, in the almost intuitive intelligence of Mrs. Bloomfield, he also felt for this lady a very friendly regard.

" "Sir?" "What should you say if I told you" Bellew paused to strike a match, broke it, tried another, broke that, and finally put his pipe back into his pocket, very conscious the while of Baxter's steady, though perfectly respectful regard.

My grateful recollection of these distinguished marks of their favorable regard can never cease, and with the consciousness that, if I have not served my country with greater ability, I have served it with a sincere devotion will accompany me as a source of unfailing gratification.

will you let me stand in the place of a friend, of a brother?" She looked at him with frank surprise; and most men would have been embarrassed and confused by the steady, astonished regard of the violet eyes; but Stafford was too eager to get her consent to care for the amusement that was mixed with the expression of surprise.

And if we have only developed national consciousness, if we have developed sufficient regard for our religion, we shall have developed power of suffering in the national and religious field.

A fraternal regard, too, for such great artists as Fra Angelico and Fra Bartolommeo,both members of his own convent, and the latter a personal friend,might have prevented his organizing that famous holocaust of paintings, that wretched iconoclasm, by which he signalized his brief period of popularity and power.

We have seen the process by which the idea of the indemnity for damages, which was not contained either in the peace declaration of the Entente, nor in the manifestations of the various parliaments, nor in the first armistice proposals, nor in the armistice between Italy and Austria, was introduced in the armistice with Germany, out of pure regard for France, without taking heed of the consequences.

I won't undertake to report all they said; a decent regard for the proprieties of language, compels me to give only a sketch of the debate.

But peace had now been of long continuance; and though a nation's banner floated from the tower of the fort, and was seen afar by mariners,though the cannon occupied their ancient places, ordered for instant use,though all within the fort was managed and conducted day by day with careful regard to orders,the operations indicated, in the spirit of their conduct, no fear of warlike surprises.

Would they not consider him, from whom they received all their rewards, and all their punishments, as the proper object of their supreme regard, and endeavour to exalt him to the same dominion over others, which he enjoyed in regard to themselves, that they might share in his superiority?

Nothing can be surer than the growth in a boy of tender, chivalrous regard for his sisters and for all women, if the seeds of it be rightly sown and gently nurtured.

In the first place, we are told, with infinite regard to the probability as well as the novelty of the fiction, that in this drawing-room there were two great lions couching at the feet of the Royal Pair;the Prince's being very lean and in poor condition, with the hair rubbed off his neck as if from a heavy collar and the Princess's in full vigour, with a bushy mane, and littered with torn French flags.

The girl read sympathy in his brotherly regard, and found comfort in the friendly voice that asked, half playfully, half seriously, "Shall I tell him that he is not forgotten, even for an Apollo?

" "But," argued the disciple, "if a man habituate himself to a reverent regard for dutyeven while in his way of doing things he is impetuousin the oversight of the people committed to his charge, is he not passable?

He was known by sight to the deputations from the most distant provinces, for he had reviewed them in a body the day before, when several of them had been separately presented to him, toward whom he had for once laid aside his habitual reserve, assuring them of his fatherly regard for all his subjects with warmth and manifest sincerity.

Johnson, who warmly admired every man who acted from a conscientious regard to principle, erroneous or not, exclaimed fervently, 'GOD bless him.' Mrs. Kennicot, in confirmation of Dr. Johnson's opinion[890], that the present was not worse than former ages, mentioned that her brother assured her, there was now less infidelity on the Continent than there had been; Voltaire and Rousseau were less read.

251 adjectives to describe  regard