11 adjectives to describe reges

Delirant reges plectuntur Achivi

Count Bathyany was the first to shout, "Moriamur pro rege nostro Maria Theresa!"

[4001] "Ad generum Cereris sine caede et sanguine pauci Descendunt reges et sicca morte tyranni.

Count Bathyany was the first to shout, "Moriamur pro rege nostro Maria Theresa!"

"Reveraque metus hominum, curaeque sequaces Nec metuunt fremitus armorum, aut ferrea tela, Audacterque inter reges, regumque potentes Versantur, neque fulgorem reverentur ab auro.

No sad associations cling to it, as to the month of June, in which month, says William of Malmesbury, kings are wont to go to war,"Quando solent reges ad arma procedere,"but it holds the Holy Week, and it is the Holy Month.

To be present at an interview, [3260]as that famous of Henry the Eighth and Francis the First, so much renowned all over Europe; ubi tanto apparatu (saith Hubertus Veillius) tamque triumphali pompa ambo reges com eorum conjugibus coiere, ut nulla unquam aetas tam celebria festa viderit aut audieriti, no age ever saw the like.

To be present at an interview, [3260]as that famous of Henry the Eighth and Francis the First, so much renowned all over Europe; ubi tanto apparatu (saith Hubertus Veillius) tamque triumphali pompa ambo reges com eorum conjugibus coiere, ut nulla unquam aetas tam celebria festa viderit aut audieriti, no age ever saw the like.

"Reveraque metus hominum, curaeque sequaces Nec metuunt fremitus armorum, aut ferrea tela, Audacterque inter reges, regumque potentes Versantur, neque fulgorem reverentur ab auro.

Et credo praemissa circa me, per prouidentiam et gratiam Dei contigisse, quoniam à tempore quo recessi, duo reges nostri Angliæ, et Franciæ, non cessauerunt inuicem exercere destructiones, depraedationes, insidias, et interfectiones, inter quas, nisi à Domino custoditus, non transissem sine morte, vel mortis periculo, et sine criminum grandi cumulo.

exinde reges suos Arsacis nomine nuncupent.

11 adjectives to describe  reges