6 adjectives to describe relique

Then the said religious man tooke two great baskets full of broken reliques which remained of the table, and led me vnto a little walled parke, the doore whereof he vnlocked with his key, and there appeared vnto vs a pleasant faire green plot, into the which we entred.

XV. Ye pallid spirits, and ye ashie ghoasts, Which, ioying in the brightnes of your day, Brought foorth those signes of your presumptuous boasts Which now their dusty reliques do bewray, Tell me, ye spirits!

This drawing I now preserve as a precious relique, since it was given me by Granacci, that it might take a place in my Book of Original Designs, together with others presented to me by Michelangelo.

The Epitome of virtues, Who like the pretious reliques of a Saint Ought only to be seene, not touchd.

In cases where a mother's memory has been unusually dear to a son, this vocal memento of her, locked into the circle of his own name, gives to it the tenderness of a testamentary relique, or a funeral ring.

Ignorant le soupçon, la peur, l'inquiétude, Tous les matins, il boucle à ses flancs refroidis Son épée, aujourd'hui rouillée, et qui jadis Avait la pesanteur de la chose publique; Quand parfois du fourreau, vénérable relique, Il arrache la lame illustre avec effort, Calme, il y croit toujours sentir peser le sort.

6 adjectives to describe  relique