20 adjectives to describe repudiation

The pathetic issue of the dispute, in Burke's formal repudiation of Fox's friendship, has taken its place among those historic Partings of Friends which have modified the course of human society.

It was an able speech for a young man, and its scornful repudiation of reckoning the costs of war against insult and violated rights had a chivalric ring about it: "Sir, I here enter my solemn protest against a low and calculating avarice entering this hall of legislation.

The den mohur is a device recognised by Mohammadan law for protecting married women from capricious repudiation.

This was a contemptuous repudiation of the two upper orders.

It is this detachment from the merits of a case, this deliberate repudiation of conscience in his business relations that makes him so suspect.

"Your terms are acceptedwith all sorts of safeguards thrown about the 'no cure, no pay' proviso; also with a distinct repudiation of you and your scheme if there is anything unlawful afoot.

Unprincipled men find means of evading the written agreement upon their face by ingenious subterfuges or downright repudiation.

A general election was about to take place; the manifesto of the Conservative party was so worded that we can hardly believe it was not an express and intentional repudiation of the language which Bismarck was in the habit of using; they desired "the unity of our German fatherland, though not like the Kingdom of Italy through 'blood and fire'

Of the sincerity of this repudiation and renunciation so fashionable in the Pope circle I have nothing to say; but in certain moods of the mind it is vastly entertaining, and cures one's melancholy as cautery cures certain physical afflictions.

" The visitor smiled feebly, but was not equal to the opportunity offered for gallant repudiation.

The Marxist and the democratic socialist generally shirk this riddle altogether; the Fabian conception of a bureaucracy, official to the extent of being a distinct class and cult, exists only as a starting-point for healthy repudiations.

Here was a formal legislative repudiation of Federal authority with a reserved threat of forcible resistance.

" He looked at her comprehendingly; in spite of the bitter passionate repudiation of him, she had been a little in earnesthad cared, in the least, how he went down.

The second in importance was the practical repudiation by the President of the doctrine of the equality of nations, which, as has been shown, was an unavoidable consequence of an affirmative guaranty which he had declared to be absolutely essential to an effective world union.

These things are not to be believed, but it would be a feat of vast impressiveness if there were something like a royal and public repudiation of the weaknesses of cousinship.

Then it is "clearly our highest wisdom to follow right"an appeal to prudential motives"not from any selfish calculations"a repudiation of prudential motives"but because 'right is right'"an appeal to a blind unreasoning instinct, and a prohibition to question its authority.

For that conscious struggle against law, by which law is discovered, may easily enough be confounded with the utter repudiation of it.

" He looked at her comprehendingly; in spite of the bitter passionate repudiation of him, she had been a little in earnesthad cared, in the least, how he went down.

His fault was in making a nun of his wife, which was in the eyes of the world a virtual repudiation; even though, from a principle of sublime obedience and self-sacrifice, she consented to the separation.

In his remorseless dealings with the Jews, in his calm repudiation of obligations with the heathen as soon as he felt himself strong enough, he shows affinities to the most conscienceless statesman that ever graced European diplomacy.

20 adjectives to describe  repudiation