23 adjectives to describe rime

Essay on rime: dialetic and criticism.

So too in the matter of metrical form, the strict terza rima of the earlier examples came to be diversified with rime sdrucciole, and by being intermingled with verses with internal rime, with ottava rima, settenarî couplets, and lyrical measures.

He was a follower of the precious, artificial and obscure style, and prided himself upon his skill in the combination of difficult rimes and the repetition of equivocal rimes (the same word used in different senses or grammatical forms).

The double windows were rigorously closed, while the inner panes were covered with a thick rime.

The foolish rime to which bishop Aylmer refers, is undoubtedly the pamphlet thus entitled: "A Skeltonicall salutation, Or condigne gratulation, And iust vexation Of the Spanish nation, That in a bravado Spent many a crusado, In setting forth an armado England to invado.

The Poison Maid NOTES THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS Truth fails not, but her outward forms that bear The longest date do melt like frosty rime.

Rutter's verse also displays a certain nervousness of its own which is wanting in the model, though it preserves the intermixture of blank verse with irregular rimes which Daniel affected.

Little rime was left for sympathy with Kate.

The verse is mainly octosyllabic, sometimes blank, but the rough accentual 'rime' is also used.

636, &c. 'Trip and go' was a proverbial expression, and is found, with its obvious rime 'to and fro,' in several old dance-songs.

He also used an occasional rime, but the accent and rhythm of his verse are more Saxon than modern.

That was to make up a poore rime to Nature.

Then fittest are these ragged rimes for mee, 545 To tell my sorrowes that exceeding bee.

The raw rimes were not so pernicious as in the hollows, and the frosts were scarcely so severe.

The other two ships did so; but after waiting a reasonable rime for Michael Cortereal, it was concluded that he was also lost, on which the other two ships returned to Lisbon, and no news was ever afterwards heard of the two brothers; but the country where they were lost is still called the land of Cortereal.

The verse is mainly octosyllabic, sometimes blank, but the rough accentual 'rime' is also used.

" Again, addressing himself to his patron, Lord Grey, he says, "Rude rimes, the which a rustick nurse did weave In savage soyle, far from Parnasso Mount.

[* I.e. Hesiod] In such delights whilst thus his carelesse time This shepheard drives, upleaning on his batt*, And on shrill reedes chaunting his rustick rime, 155 Hyperion, throwing foorth his beames full hott, Into the highest top of heaven gan clime, And the world parting by an equall lott, Did shed his whirling flames on either side, As the great Ocean doth himselfe divide.

Spenser, in spite of the warning he addressed to his book Dare not to match thy pype with Tityrus his style, Nor with the Pilgrim that the Ploughman playde awhyle could nevertheless assert in semi-burlesque rime: It shall continewe till the worlds dissolution; and his disciple is not to be outdone.

Steadily, uniformly, the unflinching poetasters grind out in their monotonous rime royal how "Thomas Wolsey fell into great disgrace," and how "Sir Anthony Woodville, Lord Rivers, was causeless imprisoned and cruelly wounded"; how "King Kimarus was devoured by wild beasts," and how "Sigeburt, for his wicked life, was thrust from his throne and miserably slain by a herdsman."

It is in rime; mostly decasyllabic couplets, but with free intermixture of alternative rime and frequent lyrical passages.

Spenser, in spite of the warning he addressed to his book Dare not to match thy pype with Tityrus his style, Nor with the Pilgrim that the Ploughman playde awhyle could nevertheless assert in semi-burlesque rime: It shall continewe till the worlds dissolution; and his disciple is not to be outdone.

We woke to find a thick covering of sticky ice crystals on everythinga frost rime.

23 adjectives to describe  rime