7 adjectives to describe rivalship

By mixing with those only of her own class, the Paysanne* was spared the temptation of envying the pink ribbons of the Bourgeoise, who in her turn was not disturbed by an immediate rivalship with the sash and plumes of the provincial belle.

When a Deputy arrives, the gentry of the town contend with jealous rivalship for the honour of lodging him; and the most eloquent eulogist of republican simplicity in the Convention does not fail to prefer a large house and a good table, even though the unhallowed property of an aristocrat.

Never was there a livelier picture of youthful rivalship, with bewitching beauty for the prize.

After horse-radish has borne seed once or twice, its root becomes hard, brown on the outside, not juicy when it is scraped, and eats more like little chips than like a garden vegetable; so that, at taverns and eating-houses, there frequently seems to be a rivalship on the point of toughness between the horse-radish and the beef-steak; and it would be well if this inconvenient rivalship never discovered itself any where else.

When seas and continents shall lie between us The wider space the betterwe may find In such a course fit links of sympathy, An incommunicable rivalship Maintained, for peaceful ends beyond our view.

Frequent and fatal rivalships arise; And ruthless War erects his hideous crest.

The superior years, however, and experience of Henry, while they moderated his ambition, gave him such an ascendant over this prince, that no dangerous rivalship, for a long time, arose between them.

7 adjectives to describe  rivalship