135 adjectives to describe roses

It looked quite charming, with the blue brocade walls and quantities of pink roses standing in high glass vases.

Horsemen and running footmen, musicians, heralds, and banner-bearers surrounded a Chinaman who sat in the attitude of Fo under a golden umbrella upon a richly caparisoned elephant, his pigtail plaited with yellow roses.

It is not the "sweet musk-roses," the "apricocks and dewberries" of literature that please us best; like Bottom the Weaver, we prefer the "bottle of hay."

"And oh, I must thank you for my lovely roses.

There was the writing-table, there the bookcase, the few chairs, the grey walls; some pale roses fading in a pewter vase....

Once there came to her by mail, on a sheet of coarse paper, two faded roses, fragrant,for they were cinnamon roses, whose fragrance never dies,but yellow and crumpled, for they had journeyed many days to reach her.

Still Aunt Prue did not come for her, and she counted thirty-five bells on the arbutilon, and four buds on the monthly rose, and pulled off three drooping daisies that Deborah had not attended to, and then listened, and "Prue!

The little rose was brought into the house and installed in the bow-window of my aunt's room, where it was watched and tended by us both with the greatest care.

" She glanced in her glass as she went out; the colour which had played hide-and-seek all day was again tinting her cheeks a delicate rose.

But the most wonderful sight was yet to come, when, while the valley was fast darkening, and along the banks of the Alzou's dry channel the walnut-trees stood like dark spectres of uncertain form, those rocks began to glow with fire again as if a wind had risen suddenly and had fanned their dying embers, and the luminous bloom that spread over them was not that of the earthly rose, but of the mystical rose of heaven.

And the roadside rose, sweet-briar, we would remember thee And the cinnamon rose that evermore enthralls each passing bee, You old, old-fashioned roses, a-growing wild and free.

In its centre was a golden vase, and in the vase were four scarlet roses.

So the angel, slowly rising, Spread his wings, and through the air Bore the child; and, while he held him To his heart with loving care, Placed a branch of crimson roses Tenderly beside him there.

Wisdom which is only theoretical and never put into practice, is like a double rose; its color and perfume are delightful, but it withers away and leaves no seed.

No man can hide anything long from a woman" Reaching over she jerked a spray of tiny roses from the rambler at the window near which they were standing; tapping the blossoms against her lips, beginning to smile whimsically, she continued: "Why, I can almost read your own thoughts right now!

As thou standest there, Thou seemest to me like the angel That brought the immortal roses To Saint Cecilia's bridal chamber.

Around the lattice creep the pure white roses, And one light bough rests gently on the pane, The diamond pane, through which the angel train Gaze on the sister saint who there reposes; The moonlight silvers softly o'er it now; And round the eaves the south wind whispers lowly, Waving the leaves like curls on maiden's brow; The peace and stillness make the place seem holy.

Here are two young girls; the sweet atmosphere folds them as with a veil; they are all summer; their dreams are limitless, their days are fading, and their ideas follow the flight of the white butterflies through the standard roses.

Well, you mustn't lose all those pretty roses in the mill down here."

The ample white lace curtains were surmounted by festoons of artificial roses, caught up by a bird of paradise.

She was profoundly alarmed and cowed by this irresistible weakness, and stood helplessly at bay among the languid roses.

The sudden rose; an essay on the unity of art.

As he is writing to a lady, he proceeds to describe her dress, which to ladies of the present day may still have its interest: "She was dressed in silver, scattered over with laurier roses; few diamonds; and feathers, much lower than the monument."

I have appropriated a long strip of rich, deep soil for these tender roses, quite away from the formal garden and across the path from the new strawberry bed, which by the necessity of rotation has worked its way from the vegetable garden to the open spot under the bank wall by the stable where the hotbeds congregate.

The dreams of further glory on French battlefields were abandoned; and there was another feast at Shirley when bridal roses of June were in bloom.

135 adjectives to describe  roses