30 adjectives to describe rubbing

You ought to meet a little rub or two or you will be too much in the clouds and forget that you are among mortals.

In all cases, brisk rubbing with a rough towel should be had afterwards.

DRIED APRICOTS AND PEACHES.These fruits, if dried with the skins on, need, in addition to the preparation for cooking recommended for dried apples, a thorough rubbing with the fingers, while being washed, to remove the down.

It was quite possible that the constant rubbing would ultimately cut the sheep's throat.

If no water is at hand, take a dry rub.

Then a bath is taken, followed by a cold plunge and violent rubbing with massage, after which a man is in shape to go home to his dinner with a good appetite.

she then cried out with unutterable horror, and never stopped crying until, under her desperate rubbing with skirt and apron, Erick opened his eyes and looked with surprise at Marianne.

The hysterics, therefore, did not last long; the eyes grew serene again very soon; and contenting herself with a few spiteful looks toward the group in the garden, which glances she accompanied with a determined and vigorous rubbing of her antique nose, Miss Sallianna gently raised her fan, and seeing a cavalier approaching from the town, assumed her habitual air of languishing and meditative grace.

He couldn't believe it and raised his hand to his eyes as though wishing to clarify his vision with an energetic rubbing.

This is our Suzanne," and the speaker affectionately gave an extra rub with his coat sleeve to the barrel of the "75."

"This is not the same," rejoined the teacher, "don't you see the little tail at the bottom of it?" Aunt Comfort took off her silver spectacles, and gave the glasses of them a furious rub, then after essaying another look, exclaimed, "What, you don't mean dat 'ere little speck down at the bottom of it, does yer?"

My trees to pitchforks crown'd with straw; My clouds to pewter plates of thin edge, And fields to dish of eggs and spinage; Yet this, and many a grosser rub, Like fam'd Diogenes in tub, I bore with philosophic nerve, Nay, gladly bore; for, here observe, 'Twas that which gave to them offense, Did constitute my excellence.

In England, we pride ourselves upon the fine mahogany of which our dinner-tables are made; we endeavour to obtain, in the first instance, an excellent piece of wood, and to improve it by assiduous rubbing and polishing.

The prisoner stopped, cursing him about something: the only answer was a lazy rub of the heels.

The spot will look tarnished, for a portion of the grease still remains: this will be removed entirely by a little sulphuric ether dropped on the spot, and a very little rubbing.

All I asked of the Canadians was to allow a little of the glory they had wonthey had such a lotto rub off on their neighbours.

The committee thought it would be rather good sport to give these knife and fork debaters a little mild and gentle rub.

" "Hush!" said Dr. Silence, for Maloney's voice had risen above a whisper, and we settled down again to another long period of watching and waiting, broken only by the occasional rubbing of shoulders against the canvas as we shifted our positions, and the increasing noise of waves on the outer coast-line of the island.

On an old oak table, where for a long course of years he used to write, cavities might easily be perceived, worn by the perpetual rubbing of his arms and elbows.

There's the revolutionary rub.

If the fabric will bear it, sharp rubbing will frequently entirely discharge a newly-made paint-stain; but, if this is not successful, apply spirit of turpentine with a quill till the stains disappear.

In some cases the tint left on the trace of the letters is so very faint that it can just be seen, and may be entirely removed by a slight rub of the finger.

Clausen was helped, pale and shaking, to his room, and West and Joel, accompanied by several of their schoolmates, trotted away to the gymnasium, where Joel was put through an invigorating bath and a subsequent rubbing that left him none the worse for his adventure.

For what safety, what advantage to any one is it, for the avoiding the seeming absurdities, and to him unsurmountable rubs, he meets with in one opinion, to take refuge in the contrary, which is built on something altogether as inexplicable, and as far remote from his comprehension?

The dead, dull wall was worn smooth in places by the involuntary rubbings it had received from the shoulders of foot-passengers thrust rudely against it as the market-people came pouring in or out, or both together.

30 adjectives to describe  rubbing