23 adjectives to describe runnings

The clash and clang rose and fell with a measured beat; but the smooth running of his engines did not account for all Lister's satisfaction.

Fast running will save us, maybe.

The loose horses did not leave camp, but kept up a constant running and snorting for some time.

The poor hare does not know what to make of the hawks; after a little running, it gives itself up for death, only first dodging out of the bird's pounce, or hiding itself in a tuft of grass or a bush, but which it is not long allowed to do, for the Arabs soon drive it out from its vain retreat.

The Dufour maps are good for direction and lie of country, but their scale being 1 in 100,000 they are not much help for actual running.

Now they heard hasty running, and Edi and Ritz came rushing along.

It was an intellectual running of the gantlet, and Gotzkowsky's heart bled from the blows, and his feet were tired to death.

In the present case, these lines may be due to variations in the transparency of the air during the time of exposure, or to instrumental causes, such as irregular running of the driving clock, or slight changes in the motion of the telescope, resulting from the manner in which its polar axis is supported.

Holland experimented with water-gas in the furnace of a locomotive running on the Long Island Railroad.

The conductor has nothing to do with the mechanical running of the train, though he receives the orders and is, in a general way, responsible.

In his own Line this Oliver was as neat and easy-running as a Red Buggy, but when you started him on the topic of Music he was about as light and speedy as a Steam Roller.

Occasional running makes an almost inappreciable difference.

This animal was now lying down near the table, so tired and footsore from almost perpetual running that he thought it too much trouble to get up and eat.

The silence for a long time was complete, broken only by the rapid running of the pencil over the rough surface of the paper.

He knows too much to try to make his love run up hill; but let it once get started, rough running gives it vim.

Nursery slopes are for the practice of turns and the individual who uses them for straight running while a lot of people are practising is abhorred.

The Arabs were seen on a sudden running and galloping in all directions, shouting and pointing to a hill, when a huge beast was put up, bristling and bellowing, which turned out to be a hyæna.

the Youths did cease from their swift running, and were come together in a crowd, and had a seeming to be confused; as might some who have waked suddenly from sleep, to find that they walked in their sleep, and had come to a strange place.

The affairs of the ranch moved smoothly along toward a more systematic running than had been employed under Brown's ownership.

Yet I think I made a fair average running.

It is not suggested that blind running should be indulged in as a rule and I only quote this case to show how helpful is good powder snow.

It must have been rather dangerous running.

And I had the Maid in one instant into mine arms, and I ran very swift, with a fierce running, that I have her away speedy, and so made forlorn trial that I save her life.

23 adjectives to describe  runnings