74 adjectives to describe sauce

Take a few bread crumbs, and as much water as will wet them, then put in claret till they be red, and a little beat cinnamon, sweeten it to your taste, put a little gravy on the dish with your tongues, and the sweet sauce in two basons, set them on each side, so serve them up.

Take a neck of veal, cut it in joints, and flatten them with a bill; cut off the ends of the bones, and lard the thick part of the cutlets with four or five bits of bacon; season it with nutmeg, pepper and salt; strew over them a few bread crumbs, and sweet herbs shred fine; first dip the cutlets in egg to make the crumbs stick, then broil them before the fire, put to them a little brown gravy sauce, so serve it up.

Put the eggs on the rice and pour a little hot tomato-sauce over the base of the platter and serve. 26.Jewish Stewed Brisket.

Bake for 1/2 an hour, and either serve with plain melted butter or a maître d'hôtel sauce. Time.1/2 hour.

Serve on a border of boiled rice and pour over all a highly seasoned tomato-sauce.

Before putting on the top, pour in some made melted butter, or a little thin white sauce, and the oyster-liquor, and bake.

Thanksgiving Day approached, and everybody was praying for a flurry of snow, just enough to give a zest to turkey and cranberry sauce.

GLACER.To glaze, or spread upon hot meats, or larded fowl, a thick and rich sauce or gravy, called glaze.

This is a delicious sauce to serve with boiled batter pudding, and when thus used, should be sent to table poured over the pudding.

JEROME, JOSEPH D. G. 11 genuine Italian spaghetti sauces.

SAUCE PIQUANTE.A sharp sauce, in which somewhat of a vinegar flavour predominates.

[Footnote 4: M. Bernstein, dishing up a similar theme with a piquant sauce of sensuality, made but a vulgar and trivial piece of work of it.]

Put the yolks of the eggs into a basin, with a seasoning of pepper and salt; have ready the above quantities of oil and vinegar, in separate vessels; add them very gradually to the eggs; continue stirring and rubbing the mixture with a wooden spoon, as herein consists the secret of having a nice smooth sauce.

A basket of them filled the center of the table, and at each place was a scalloped shell containing deviled crab meat garnished with lemon quarters and accompanied by tartar sauce.

THE FINS may be served as a plat d'entrée with a little turtle sauce; if not, on the following day you may warm the turtle au bain marie, and serve the members entire, with a matelote sauce, garnished with mushrooms, cocks' combs, quenelles, &c.

Let them be cooked and served in their own juices, not soaked in butter or other oils, or disguised by the free use of pepper, mustard, catsup, and other pungent sauces.

Serve warm with cream and sugar, or with an orange or lemon sauce.

This makes a very palatable sauce without the addition of sugar.

Once or twice a week dumplings appeared, giving an air of excitement to the meal, and there was a delectable "poor man's stew" learned from Mrs. Popham; the ingredients being strips of parsnip, potatoes cut in quarters, a slice or two of sweet browned pork for a flavor, and a quart of rich milk, mixed with the parsnip juices into an appetizing sauce.

"It is agreeably and skilfully done, that dead jackass," writes Thackeray; "like M. de Soubise's cook on the campaign, Sterne dresses it, and serves it up quite tender, and with a very piquante sauce.

When liked, add a seasoning of cayenne, or anchovy sauce; but, as we have before stated, a plain sauce should be plain, and not be overpowered by highly-flavoured essences; therefore we recommend that the above directions be implicitly followed, and no seasoning added.

Be this as it may, it is one of the most pleasant sauces which come to table, and should be most carefully and intelligently prepared.

The old lady did not care for tea, but as she considered that she could not eat strawberries on an empty stomach, she took some, and was just about to cast a critical eye on the bread, when a maid entered, bearing a dish containing two little square pieces of fish, covered with a greenish white sauce, and decorated with bits of water-cress.

Apple sauce and the old-fashioned currant sauce are not yet quite obsolete as an accompaniment to roast pig.

Crimped skate and caper sauce.

74 adjectives to describe  sauce